Chapter 49 - Argo II And The Seven

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The Argo II definitely did not look friendly. Two hundred feet long, with a bronze-plated hull, mounted repeating crossbows fore and aft, a flaming metal dragon for a figurehead, and two rotating ballistae amidships that could fire explosive bolts powerful enough to blast through concrete...well, it wasn't the most appropriate ride for a meet-and-greet with the neighbors.

Obviously, the Romans seemed to be reconsidering choices. Few turned towards me with nervous faces. I may have thrown a wink and a thumbs up and Dakota as he looked to me, his face filled with fear.

More Romans came out from the shops and stalls. Everyone who had been doing chores joined us in gawking at the large ship descending from above. Demigod adults, teens, grandparents, all looking up into the sky at the golden glint that now came closer.

The horns blared loudly, in a more of a threatening manner than welcoming to the Greeks. I removed Stormbringer, and Percy opened Riptide and gracefully slid it onto his sheath. I banged my trident on the ground, and all other Romans followed.

We made our way out the gates, all disarmed except the Praetors and I, and Haniball trumpeting loudly once in a while.

Percy looked at the sky hopefully. I smiled, and watched as the Argo II made it's grand descending, until-


"Unacceptable!" Terminus' voice shrieked. I rolled my eyes.

Apparently he had exploded into existence, right there on the deck.

"I will not have weapons inside the Pomerian Line!" he announced in a fussy teacher voice. "I certainly will not have Greeks!"

Muffles came from above the Argo II.

"Don't try that charmspeak on me, young lady. And put down that dagger before I slap it out of your hands!"

And then- POP.

"Lucky for you I've just been through a battle," Terminus announced. "If I were at full strength, I would've blasted this flying monstrosity out of the sky already!"

"Impossible!" the god squeaked. "Lay down your weapons and surrender! Leave my city immediately!"

More muffles.

"Both!" Terminus said. "Surrender, then leave. I am slapping your face for asking such a stupid question, you ridiculous boy! Do you feel that?"

Percy and I snorted so loudly that everyone else stared at us for a moment.

"Stop that!" Terminus insisted. Another small explosion.

"Weapons are not allowed on Roman soil inside the Pomerian Line."

"This entire ship is a weapon!" Terminus said. "You cannot land!"

Percy put his hand around us, Hazel, Frank, and I, that is.

"That statue will be the death of us," he said silently, smiling.

"Oh well," I responded, "at least it's slightly entertaining."

"Slightly," Hazel said, smiling.

"Just wait until Terminus throws the ship a hundred miles away," Frank said.

"Oh that'd be a sight to watch," said Percy.

And just as he said it, the ship stopped. All ninety oars froze in place. The grand boat stayed afloat in the sky.

"I like technicalities," Terminus said. "Still.."

"Oh, dear," I sighed.

"Terminus, let them in, for gods' sake!" I shouted.

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