Chapter 128 - Alex - A Bodyguard

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"You seem extremely calm for a fifth year," Hermione told me as we made out of Transfiguration.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, every teacher's now spending at least twenty minutes lecturing about OWLs," Hermione said. "Everyone's panicking about the amount of homework, that even Ron's going to the Library to finish his essay on potions."

"Oh, Professor Snape said I don't have to do the essay," I said coolly. "Instead he wants Percy and me to join some classes for extra incentive."

"Well, you are pretty good at potions," Hermione shrugged. 

"Yeah, but I don't really fancy going for extra classes at five with Snape," I said, smiling. We walked into the Great Hall. 

"But how do you always remain so calm?" Hermione asked. 

"I'm really not," I answered. "I'm just trying my best to keep it together at this point. I have to record my dreams for the Dream Diary- and then there's Charms-"

"At least the four of us got off on Vanishing Charm," Hermione added, referring to Jason, Percy, herself and I. "I was scared Professor McGonagall will give us an essay too."

I laughed. "You seem to be doing fine for someone with so much stress."

"You have no idea," Hermione said. "It's almost like third year all over again."

"What happened in third year?" I asked, intrigued. 

"Well," Hermione started rather hesitantly, "I took all subjects in third year instead of two."


"And I had to use a time turner to attend all lessons. And most lessons happened at the same time, like Divination and Arithmancy- I had to go back in time and attend lessons."

"A time turner, you say?" I asked, now grinning. Of course Hecate had to create one of those. I can still remember her asking for permission from me. "Must have been fun."

"Not really. Gave up on half my subjects by the end of the year. It was too hectic."

Hermione and I had a nice chat over lunch hour as we ate and completed our homework together. "You really should've joined first year," Hermione said as we left for Care of Magical Creatures. "We could have gotten along really well."

"You're saying we're not now?" I said, smiling.

"Of course we are!" Hermione exclaimed excitedly. "I'm just saying I wouldn't have been all alone for some time. And perhaps we could've been the best of friends."

"I don't think you will be alone in your life any more, though," I said. "You've got people in your life. Important ones."

"It's hard being with Harry," Hermione said, grinning. "I mean, he's like in trouble every single year. It's like babysitting kids, but hey, at least I like kids."


I turned around. It was Percy. He was running to me, panting. 

"What happened, Seaweed Brain?" I asked, smirking. "Too old to even run now?"

"Shut up," Percy snapped, gasping for breath. "I've been looking for you all over."

"What happened?" 

"It's-" his eyes flitted to Hermione. "I need you to come with me, right now. Dumbledore's orders."

I turned to Hermione. She nodded. "You should go. I'll take your bag back to dorm?"

"Yes, please," I said handing over my bag to her. "Thank you so much."

"Don't mention it," Hermione smiled. "I'll see you back at dinner."

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