Chapter 95 - Jason - Sleepover with Sirius

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Sirius ate all of our food. 

That was the particularly depressing part. 

Otherwise, he was pretty okay. He smelled like he hadn't had a bath in days, but still hugged his niece and nephews. 

Sucks to be them.

Alex looked like she'd just come out from a death trap once she pulled away from the Sirius. I chuckled and put my arm around her, helping her stand up.

He tried to make for the kitchen, where the smell of delicious food was still coming from, but we made sure he'd first had a bath and he'd changed from his prison clothes and all that.

"He seems a little too trusting, doesn't he?" Annabeth said.

"That's our advantage, Beth," Alex said. (She was the only one allowed to call Annabeth 'Beth.')

"Yes, but I wouldn't trust him. If Albus Dumbledore really is as wise as they talk about him in the books and on the Chocolate Frog cards, he wouldn't trust Sirius."

"Well then, we'll just have to gain his trust, don't we?"

"I don't think it's just that easy."

"One step at a time," Percy said. "First Sirius, then Dumbledore."

We decided that the six of us will occupy the master bedroom. It was the best because it was large and just the six of us could discuss on important matters like 'the rogue goddess.'

But Sirius wouldn't agree. 

As soon as night fell, the six of us trudged to our room. It had been a long day. Three king size beds were put together neatly next to one another, separated only by lamp desks. There was literally no other furniture in the room. It looked perfect. 

Alex and I took one bed. Percy and Annabeth on one bed and Nico and Will took another one.

"Lights off," Percy murmured.

"This ain't Camp, dumbo," Alex said. "You turn the light off manually."

I grinned and switched the lights off. 

Everything was fine until Sirius jogged into the room. 

"Don't tell me you sleep at night," he said. 

"Of course we sleep at night," Alex mumbled. "Do you sleep in the morning?"

"Dementors are usually awake best at night," Sirius said. "Never sleep at night."

"Dude," Nico frowned. 

Annabeth sighed. "You know what? You can rest here for the night. We'll make sure that no dementors take you away."

"What?" the five of us said together.

"What?" Annabeth asked us back, and I could feel her glare through the darkness.

"Fine," Percy said. "We don't have an extra bed though."

"That's not a problem," Sirius said. 

Before we knew it, Sirius' form had melted away into the form of a dog. Alex screamed slightly. 

He curled up on a pillow next to our bed. 

Alex and I sighed. 

"Alright, goodnight, folks," I said, and fell back on the bed. Alex snuggled against me.

"Love ya, Pocahontas," she whispered.

"Love you too, Kelphead," I whispered back. Before I knew it, I was asleep, my arm around her waist.

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