Chapter 154 - Percy - Sadly, Alex Saves the Day

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"Harry! HARRY!" 

I jolted awake, and plucked out Riptide, almost about to uncap it. "What happened?" I asked, getting out of the bed. "Did Festus break out a fire again?"

I blinked. The curtains were glowing faintly in the dark, and there were people inside my cabin.


This was the Gryffindor Dormitory. 

I put back Riptide into my pocket. Ron was standing near Harry's bed, alongside Jason, and both of them were shaking Harry violently, and screaming.

I walked to Jason. "What happened?"

He didn't have to answer. Every inch of Harry's body was covered in icy sweat; his bed covers were twisted all around him like a strait-jacket. He was choking on his saliva, and twisting in pain. 

"Move!" I ordered the two. I kneeled next to Harry, and waved my hand over his face. I took the bottle of water and sprinkled some over him. 

"Harry!" I shook him slightly. 

He woke with a jolt. Instantly, he clutched his head in his hands. I stood back, pushing Dean and Seamus out of the way as well, as Harry rolled over to the edge of the mattress and emptied his stomach right in front of us. At least all the saliva that had been choking him was out too. Good job, me.

"He's really ill," said Neville. "Should we call someone?"

"Harry! Harry!" Ron called, sitting next to his best friend.

Taking great gulps of air, Harry pushed himself up in bed. "Your dad," he panted, his chest heaving. "Your dad's... been attacked..."

"What?" said Ron uncomprehendingly.

"Your dad! He's been bitten, it's serious, there was blood everywhere..."

"What?" I asked, eyes wide. I turned to Jason. Having terrible dreams was a part of the demigod job. And Harry......

"I'm going for help," said Neville, and ran out of the dormitory.

"Harry, mate," said Ron uncertainly, "you... you were just dreaming--"

"No!" said Harry furiously.

"It wasn't a dream... not an ordinary dream... I was there, I saw it... I did it..."

With every other word that Harry was saying, I could feel myself getting more panicked. I nodded at Jason. He nodded back at me, and walked out the dorm briskly.

I walked to Harry and opened the water again. "Drink it," I said, "it'll help."

Harry tried to grip the water bottle in vain. So he opened his mouth, and I poured in a little bit, as he took tiny gulps of water. He shivered in the cold, and his body was burning up feverishly. 

And suddenly, he retched again, and Ron and I leapt backward. That shouldn't have happened. 

I looked down at the mattress. 

Blood. He had just vomited blood.

Two pairs of feet came hurrying up the stairs. Alex clapped her hands, and the gas lamps lit up at once. "What happened?" she asked, her eyes wide. Her wand was out. 

Harry pushed away from us. 

"Harry, you're not well," Ron said shakily, staring at the blood. "Neville's gone for help."

"Oh, holy-" Alex cursed. She put a hand to Harry's forehead. "He's burning up. Too much."

She looked down at the mattress. "The blood's not helping either." 

The Forgotten Olympian |BOOK 1| PJO X HP | Alexandra MarineWhere stories live. Discover now