The war ended

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Japan was in shock over the sudden death of Lelouch vi Britania, a ruthless young emperor. He was killed by Zero, the terrorist in front of thousands of people and he declared that the war has over upon the death of the young emperor. Most Japanese celebrated and praised Zero for saving them from the ruthless emperor and called him a hero.

C.C watched the occasion from afar with a smile. "Dramatic" she snickered. She stood at the end of the cliff and was about to leave when she heard heavy footsteps coming toward her. She turned and saw none other than a red-haired woman holding a gun. She stood there calmly facing her without a single word and unhinged at the sight of the gun.

"You witch, it's all your fault he died!" Kallen shouted in range. C.C rolled her eyes with annoyance and stepped closer to her.

"Hmm, funny. The last time I remember you were the one who wished to kill him. Now he died, you blame me?" "Seriously, you need to see a psychiatrist" she chuckled darkly and looked at her with a boring look.

"Shut up!"

"You don't deserve to live after what happened to him!" she clenched her teeth and pointed the gun toward the witch. They both stared at each other before she pulled the trigger and shot C.C's heart.

C.C fell off the cliff right after being shot with blood sputtering on her lips. She closed her eyes, enjoying the wind brushing her hair until she landed hard on the bushes. "Ow," she stood up and walked out from the bushes with tangled hair. She brushed off all the leaves and branches that were stuck in her hair with grunts. "Note to self: Never do that again."

Falling from the highest cliff can't kill her and a shot from a mere gun also can't kill her. Clearly, she's still an immortal witch. She sighed exasperatedly as she can't find any ways to break the curse. The contract she made with him is useless now. The wound and cuts on her body started to heal quickly when she left the forest.

At least, that crazy woman believed that she died. So, she won't be bothered by her anymore. She grinned in satisfaction. It all went according to her plan. Well, almost...except that she is still alive.

She took a deep breath and tried to recall the next plan Lelouch had told her yesterday, which is she need to take a train no.5 at 10 a.m. So, she went off, aboard the train at exact 10 a.m. and sat beside the window calmly. The train started to move when she looked at the empty seat in front of her and sighed. 'He didn't make it in time...what an idiot' thought her in frustration.

She stared blankly at the window while resting her chin on her palm. She suddenly thought of last night's conversations between her and Nunally (Lelouch's little sister).


After they safely arrived home from the forests. They settled in Lelouch's room.

Lelouch took a seat on the couch while seriously in deep thought 'again'. C.C. smirked at the sight of his serious face and sat beside him with a slice of pizza in her hand. "You might grow silver hairs anytime now" teased her while taking a huge bite from her favorite pizza.

He spared her a glare and back to his thought, "Don't talk with your mouth full" he replied coldly. She kicked his skinny legs and continued eating. "Hey!" he grunted from the pain.

"You should eat a lot, boya. Don't wanna break that skinny legs" she said sarcastically. He glared at her and was about to scold her when there were knocks on his door.

Suddenly, Nunally's face appears, "Lelouch! You're finally home! I was waiting for you," she said in her gentle and cheery voice. Then, she noticed C.C. with her brother, and she was startled, "O-oh, sorry for disturbing you two. I-I'm gonna come back later". Her face was flushing pink.

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