Interference 2

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The next day, Lelouch watched from the front shop as the officers and Dave tried to open the steel door using a bomb. They already tried everything to open that door but nothing worked. He observed quietly as they started the bomb timer and immediately moved a few steps back, ready to hit the impact.

After a few seconds, a loud bang echoed inside the store as the ground shook briefly. They all turned at the door and groaned in disappointment. The door was still unlocked. 'It did not work. Even using a bomb. Interesting.' Lelouch eyes widened in fascination.

Dave stood in front of him with a tired look, "It would take 100 years to finally open this damn door. Kid, can I ask you a favor and go to the library?" Lelouch gave him a questioning look and he immediately explained, "I just got a report that a librarian had found a manual book on this door. I want you to get that for me while I'm stuck in here figuring out other methods to open that door. Could you?"

Lelouch nodded his head, "Sure..."

He went straight to the town's library without wasting any time and searched for the librarian. This was his first time entering this place, it smelled like old books and shelves. The inside of the building seemed smaller compared to the outside as it was packed with bookshelves in every corner including the center of the room which made it hard for him to find the librarians.

"Excuse me, are you with the detective?" A small voice appeared behind him. He turned to see a pretty woman with long blonde hair tied in a ponytail with a pair of green eyes looking directly at him. He did not expect the librarian in this town to be young, he was expecting a middle-aged man or woman to approach him, but she looked 3 years older than him.

"Yes. Where's the manual book?" He raised an eyebrow as she was not holding anything in her hands.

"Relax, it's just right over here. Come on." She walked towards the history section and stopped in front of the bookshelves. He followed quietly.

"By the way, aren't you too young to be a cop?" She looked at him, interestedly.

"Yes, I am," he answered bluntly without sparing a glance at her as he was examining the bookshelves. She stared at him for a while mesmerized by his aura and good-looking face, she could not resist staring at him especially when he stood close to her. His purple earrings matched his eyes and so much intensity in his eyes that would make all girls swoon over him.

"Hey, where is the book?" asked him impatiently. 

She shook her head quickly and faced the bookshelves. "It was second on the top with a grey cover." She pointed at the highest level of the bookshelves as he reached for it carefully.

"You know, based on this town's history. The steel door was given by the town's mayor 70 years ago to protect the gold mine," said her.

"A gold mine?" asked him in curiosity while trying to reach the book on the shelves.

She nodded excitedly, "Yup. It says that before this town existed, it was only a green grassland with a mountain of hills until one day a farmer found a mine filled with gold and used it to build this town. He became the first mayor of this town and he decided to create a very strong and protective steel door to protect the mine. Of course, it's just an old tale. No one knows for sure what's actually in there."

Lelouch listened to her attentively as it slowly made sense as to why the door was there in the first place. He pulled the book from the shelves carefully and gave it to her as she skimmed the pages thoroughly.

"Yes, this is the manual book for the door. It says it was designed to be locked from the inside and can only be opened from the outside through the remote key or the hidden key button. Since the remote key has been destroyed a long time ago. You have to find the hidden key button." She showed him the pages that she was referring to and he nodded abruptly.

She gave him the book with a smile, "Don't lose it."

"I will. Thanks for your help." He smiled briefly before leaving.

He read the manual carefully as a smile slowly appeared on his lips. He knows where the hidden key is! But he needs to find it before they do and he planned to do it tonight.


In the middle of the night. Lelouch walked into the fruit store quietly through the back door. He noticed a pile of bricks and glasses everywhere from the explosion earlier and carefully walked toward the storeroom without making any noise. Finally, arrived at the room, he immediately looked for the hidden key by following his instincts.

He crouched down while holding out his hand under the rustic steel shelf and patted the floor beneath the shelf carefully. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain as a needle pricked in his finger and winced in silence. 'This is it.' He carefully touched the needle and pulled it with a lot of effort as it was very slippery and thin. He was unable to pull it after multiple attempts and sighed in frustration.

He took a deep breath and tried once again. After a while, a soft clicking sound appeared on the steel door and he grinned broadly in triumph as he finally did it. He opened the door widely and saw a dusty empty room with no sign of gold mine. He observed the entire room quietly and noticed a small door on the floor. He opened it to find a dark tunnel with long stairs that went deep underground. 'This must be lead to the gold mine.'

He closed the steel door tightly before he left and decided to tell Dave, the detective about it tomorrow.

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