Gone 1

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The thief gang has captured C.C. and locked her up somewhere in a cold and damp place. She could not see anything due to the blindfold. They tied her hands and legs tightly to make sure she could not escape while they were waiting for someone.

After a few hours, a heavy steel door finally opened as a cold wind blew over her face. She heard a heavy footstep entering the room as Jay appeared with a grunt. "What is that?" He pointed at her.

"That's our threat-" said a guy carefully.

"YOU FOOL! I told you to kill her! Not to bring her into our place!!" exclaimed Jay in rage.

"But I thought, you might want to question her or something before killing her-"


That guy's body collapsed to the floor hard as Jay shot him in the head with a cold face.

C.C. held her breath when she heard a loud gunshot in the room. 'He shot one of his guys? This man is a maniac.'

"Anyone else has anything to say?" asked him coldly while looking at his men. All the men in the room stared at the ground in silence. They do not want to meet the same fate as their companion.

"Next time, obey the order!" He turned to her and pointed the gun at her head abruptly. C.C. braced herself as she felt a gun on her forehead. Then, he immediately pulled the trigger.


Her body quickly fell to the ground, lifeless as the blood slowly stained the floor.

"Cleaned that up and bring me her head. I'm going to hang it in the town. So, I can show it to all of them, not to mess with us. This time do it right!" Warned him furiously before leaving the room. 

"You heard him. Let's do it quickly." Another guy walked toward her body calmly with an axe in his hand. He pulled off the blindfold from her eyes revealing her pale face.

"Beautiful, but dead. Sadly."

He pulled her hair abruptly to observe her face in close. Then, he noticed a strange tattoo on her forehead. "Hey, what's this?" He touched the Geass symbol on her forehead and suddenly her eyes opened widely with a Geass symbol.

The whole room was glowing in fury red.

"What the?!" They all cover their eyes in shock from the sudden bright red light.

All of a sudden, all the men's bodies collapsed to the floor, lifeless. The light drained all of their life force, leaving them all dead.


She opened her eyes abruptly in shock after being shot and saw a room full of black fog. 'This is not the same place.' She noticed her hands and legs were untied and knew immediately that she was in another realm. Shadow realm.

"You are a powerful witch. Don't let them hurt you again. Unleash your full power! Kill them!" A dark voice echoed in her head.

She shut her eyes tightly to clear the voice in her head and opened them again to see a dark room without a fog but four lifeless bodies around her. This time her hands and legs were tied. She was dumbfounded, 'What's going on?'

She quickly untied herself and looked around in utter confusion. "Well, that happened."

She carefully observed the room and the corridor where she saw 5 men standing in there. She thought for a second, 'I need a good disguise'.


It was midnight when the corridors' lights were automatically off. She strolled carefully and quietly through the corridor while blending in the darkness. She avoided the CCTV and men easily since she had done this many times.

She walked past the security room but stopped abruptly when she saw a whole room filled with screens and monitors as four men were watching it. She watched them carefully.

Suddenly, her eyes widened in alarm when she saw a little girl show up on a screen hugging her knees, alone in a dark room. 'Ken's daughter. She's alive!' She was detained in some sort of a cage room. 'I must get her out of there.' She quickly looked at the screen and searched for the room's location.

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