Life Goes On

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1 year later

In Japan.

After the death of the young and ruthless emperor, Lelouch vi Britania. The throne was passed to his little sister, Nunally and she rules the empire and the country with kindness and passion. She has proved to the whole kingdom that she was able to rule and avoid wars from happening again with the help of Zero known as the Japanese hero.

Behind the mask of Zero is Suzaku, Lelouch's frenemy. Before he killed him in front of everyone last year, they made a deal that he will protect his sister and never let any harm near her in exchange Lelouch must disappear. Now, he is the empress's right-hand and bodyguard. He assists with everything that she needs to know on handling the empire. He was very impressed by her as she is naturally brilliant at this 'empire' thing just like her parents and brother. The royal blood indeed runs down on each family member.

He watched Nunally as she sat at her desk with piles of papers and documents. She soon turns 19 this year without her family. When he thinks about it, he never saw her shed tears after her brother died. She also did not blame him or punish him for murdering her brother. Suzaku thought for a second and conclude, "Maybe, she knows what's best for the empire. Unlike the brother...that selfish bastard."


Every day, Nunally rules the empire and took care of her people without complaints. Never once she gets tired of doing those things. She never knew she was capable of doing such a huge thing until it happen, it all thanks to her only brother, Lelouch who gave her this opportunity.

She stared blankly at the paper in her hand as her mind went back to the night before her brother's coronation.


After talking with C.C, Nunally bid her goodnight and went to find her brother where she found him dozed off on the couch in the living room. She strolled in her pink wheelchair quietly but her brother sensed a presence and open his eyes abruptly. He looked up and saw his little sister smiling, "You look tired. What have you been doing all day?" asked Nunally jokingly.

He rubbed his eyes and sat comfortably, " know, stuff...There are tons of stuff to do for tomorrow's coronation."

Nunally raised her eyebrow, "Don't we have people who handle that kind of thing?" Lelouch chuckled and nodded, "Yeah. I just...want tomorrow to be perfect. Memorable in fact." She shakes her head and chuckled, "You're so perfectionist and dramatic!"

"Woa woa, is that how you talk to the emperor now?" Lelouch made a 'serious' face at her with a hint of a smirk on his lip.

"You're not yet an emperor. Besides, I have to use all the time that's left to make fun of you before you're crowned" replied her and they burst to laugh. A whole space filled with the siblings' laughter as they continued talking. C.C. watched them from distance with a smile.

"Don't worry, brother. I'm sure tomorrow everything will run smoothly. You must be very excited!"

Lelouch was speechless for a second as he thought about tomorrow's real plan but quickly recovered and replied to her as his little sister started to notice the change in his voice. "I am. But...a little nervous too haha" he laughed. Nunally patted her brother's hands assuringly with a warm smile. He returned it with a sincere smile and held her hands tightly. He do not want to leave his little sister alone but he already made the deal and he knew everything will be better if he were gone.

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