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Lelouch was lying unconsciously on the bed, topless as his full body wrapped in bandages including his head. A thick sheet covered his body as he shivered in a cold sweat with a visible frown. "Nnnn..."

*Flash* (A bright light flashing in his dream as a transition)

"No! Wake up, C.C.!!"

"You can't die now!!"

Images of burning buildings and her pale face flashed in his head abruptly. He saw himself screaming while holding her limp body in his arms.

"No..." His heart was pounding anxiously while his chest moved up and down rapidly with heavy breathing.


"You wanted to kill me so bad because I killed your witch?"

"You're pathetic."


Blood splattered on his face abruptly as he shot the guy who was responsible for his wife's death in the head.

"Ugh..." His head throbbed badly as the loud noise of the gunshots echoed inside his head.


He stood on the shaking ground calmly as the rubble fell all around him. He noticed a huge rock tremble violently above him and he stared at it with his chin up as the rock crushed him in a flash.


He opened his eyes abruptly as his heart pounded hard in his chest due to the shock. His face and palms were dripping with sweat as he panted heavily. "Argh," a soft groan escaped his lips as he felt aches all over his body, especially his head. He squinted his eyes.

His eyes were adjusting to the dim light of the room when he slowly recognized the familiar closet and curtain in the room. He knew right away that he was in their bedroom. He turned his head to the other side of the bed, expecting a lime-haired girl sleeping beside him soundly with an innocent yet peaceful look. However, she was not there. It was empty and the sheet seemed like it had never been touched, as if she never slept there.

The dream suddenly flashed before his eyes as his eyes widened in fright. He recalled watching C.C. die in front of him as her lifeless body and cold hands were in his grasp. His face grew pale, "N-no...C.C...!" His voice cracked as he cried out her name while looking at the door.

He waited for her to show up at the door, but there was no one. His eyes slowly turned red as he shook his head in disbelief, 'No...it's true. No, she can't be! It was just a nightmare.' He moved his body frantically, trying to get out of the sheet to look for her as his anxiety kept building up inside and attacking him. "I need to find her."

He sprinted towards the door in a hurry, when all of a sudden he felt a massive weight strain on his body and fell abruptly face-palming to the floor hard. "Urgh!" He groaned loudly in pain as he felt sudden sharp pains piercing into his chest. He pressed his chest firmly in pain as he lay on the floor, crying.

He felt sore on his entire body as he tried to move them. His body trembled abruptly when strong emotions rushed into him and sorrowful tears streamed down his face involuntarily. He gritted his teeth tightly with a sniffle.

'She's not here. She's gone.' A voice suddenly appeared in his head.

"No..." he sobbed quietly.

"C.C." he cried softly as the room fell silent, leaving him alone lying on the floor. He closed his eyes firmly trying to suppress the pain in his head. "Argh-!"

Suddenly, cold fingers wrapped around his face gently and all of his pain faded instantly. He felt a pair of strong hands pull him closer to a soft and warm cushion and once he opened his eyes, he saw her beautiful face with a frown. She sat on the floor and placed his head on her lap gently as she brushed his hair carefully.

"Lelouch. Are you hurt? You just fell off the bed. You should call me if you're awake," said C.C. in worried.

Lelouch stared at her in speechless and suddenly tears fell down his cheeks uncontrollably like a shower as he sniffled in happiness.

C.C. was startled by his reaction, she felt like a huge stone hit her chest when she watched him crying. She exhaled heavily, she could not bear to see him crying and quickly hugged him in comfort. "Shh. It's okay. I'm here now, Lelouch." She felt his body tremble as his hands gripped her shirt tightly. "C.C. I'm so-sorry..."

"Shh, it's okay." She patted him gently.

She helped him into the bed carefully trying not to stretch the wounds and pulled the sheets abruptly to cover him from the cold as he stared at her with red puffy eyes.

'He suffered from a temporary memory loss. He must've forgotten that I was revived by him.' C.C. brushed off his hair calmly with a smile.

"Lelouch, wait here. I go fetch some food for you." She was about to leave his side when his hand grabbed her wrist abruptly with a worried look. "No. Don't go. Please stay." Lelouch's voice quivered in desperation as he stared at her without blinking.

She noticed his tired face and exhaled softly with a nod. Lelouch watched her as she slipped under the cover and slid her long silky hair to her side, and curled up next to him. She drew him into a cuddle and shared her body warmth as their skin touched. While he let her adjust their position, his arms wrapped around her hips firmly. She smiled at the sudden clingy side of him as he nuzzled her chest. She played with his hair, and he yawned slowly, feeling sleepy.

She chuckled softly, "You're tired. Go to sleep. I promise I'll be here when you awake. I'm not going to leave you again," whispered her as she noticed he was forcing himself to stay awake.

The room was filled with silence and peaceful snooze as they both fell asleep cuddling to each other. Her hand continued to pat his back as his head rested on her soft chest, feeling her chest rise and fall calmly with each breath. He slept peacefully with no dreams.

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