Alone *Edit*

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*Major story edit! (11/9/2023)*

After dinner at Sebastian's, Lelouch and C.C. returned to their private cottage inside the woods. He walked into their room casually in a towel after a quick shower and saw her in a black lace pajamas sitting on the bed, reading quietly while her long hair resting on her shoulders.

"What are you reading?" asked him curiously. He opened the wardrobe to get a pair of pajamas.

"Hmm, just a boring magazine." She replied bluntly without looking at him.

He nodded slowly. Then, a whole room fills with silence. Lately, he noticed that she had become very quiet and more reserved than usual, he needs to resolve this matter tonight. No more dilly dally. Ow! He winced softly when he accidentally twisted his shoulders while wearing the pajamas.

C.C. looked up from the magazine and noticed that he was struggling to wear the pajamas. So, she crawled out of the bed and strolled toward him quietly.

He jumped at the sudden cold fingers touching his back. He quickly turned to see C.C. as she was standing behind him, offering to help him with the pajamas which he gladly let her do it. "Geez, you're scaring me. You could have made some noise as you walk, C.C."

"I didn't know that you're a scaredy-cat. Relax, it's just the two of us in here." She grinned at him briefly. Then, she spotted a few fresh bruises on his body due to the heavy work he had done earlier at the farm. She sighed and removed his clothes abruptly which startled him, "What are you doing?!"

"Sit. Now," said she firmly before disappearing and reappearing with a bottle of oil ointment in her hand. He did as she told and sat, crossing his leg on their comfy bed mattress.

She sat facing him and carefully rubbed the oil on his bruises. He flinched slightly due to the sharp pain. She gave him an annoyed glance as he was staring at her. "I told you, not to overuse your body. It would open up the old wounds back," exclaimed her in irritation. She continued nagging him while carefully rubbing the oil on the bruises and the wounds' area.

"Yes, mom." He groaned abruptly when she pressed the bruises on purpose after he rudely responded to her. After finish treating the bruises and wounds, she helped him in putting on his clothes back while restraining him from moving his shoulder or any part of his upper body drastically.

He locked his gaze on her in silence as she buttoned up his pyjamas without sparing him a glance. His eyebrows furrowed slightly as he realized that she was avoiding his eye contact. Is she mad at me because of earlier at Sebastian's place?

"C.C....about earlier. Sorry I didn't tell you the truth. I don't want to make you worried."

"I know," responded her quickly.

He looked at her in confusion, "Know what?" She moved closer to him, closing any gap between them, and whispered to his ear, "...I know everything."

His eyes widened in shock and stared at the witch's smug face in disbelief, "Wait! You knew?!" She nodded with a smile. "If you knew from the start, why didn't you say something to me?!"

She burst into laughter after he said that as if he was telling a joke. He shot a serious and confusing glare at her while crossing his arms, waiting impatiently for her to finish.

She tried to catch her breath before answering him as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "Okay. First, you do not want to talk about touchy subjects with a witch like me. Trust me, I will make things even worst. Second, I'm the last person on earth for you to talk with for that matter. I'm not the right person for this case since I am the one who causes it." Lelouch opened his mouth to protest but she immediately put a finger on his lip to silence him.

"So, I figure that you need to speak with someone more mature, kind, a good listener, and knows you better than anyone else." She continued calmly.

"Sebastian." He said in realization and she nodded.

"Well, based on your mood at dinner earlier, I guess everything has been resolved, right?" She touched his cheeks softly with a sweet grin. Lelouch stared at her in speechless, 'Since when did she become thoughtful?'

"Who are you?" He stared at her suspiciously.

"Huh?" She looked at him, dumbfounded.

"What have you done to my old sneaky witch?"

Her eyes widened abruptly, "What-! How dare you called me 'old', huh!!" She pinched his cheeks abruptly in anger.

"Ow ow ow!" Yup. This is her. The witch is back. He tried to pulled her hands off his face but she was really persistent when she angry. "I was just joking!" He chuckled nervously in pain as she pulled his cheeks hard.

She let him go and moved closer to him with a threatening look. "You don't want to cross me again."

Lelouch grinned abruptly at her threat while brushing his painful cheeks. He wrapped his arm around her waist slowly with a smile, and pulled her close to him. "You don't scare me especially in the lace," teased him. He moved his face closer to her.

"Oh really?" She raised an eyebrow at him. He smiled and kissed her forehead softly as she chuckled. "Thanks, C.C."

He pulled up her chin and kissed her passionately as her fingers running wild through his wet hair. After a long period, they break off the kiss.

"Are you going to sleep tonight?" asked her softly between her breath.

Lelouch brushed her hair playfully and kissed it with a smirk, "I will if you make me." His violet eyes stared at her intensely while his hand find a way under her pajamas and stroked her back.

Her face slowly turned red as her body tensed by his touch. "Lelouch!"

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