Late 1

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"Morning, sleepyhead."

Lelouch entered the room with unruly hair and a sleepy face as he was only half awake. He sat at the small dining table in silence as C.C. arrived with a cup of coffee and a platter of fresh fruits. He took a bite at the fruits quietly before sipping the coffee.

"Martha gave those. She said the fruits were freshly picked this morning."

"Hmm, it's great." He ate another mango slice.

He looked at the clock on the wall and jolted from his seat abruptly, wide awake when he read, "3 p.m.?! C.C., why didn't you wake me up?!"

"I don't want to since you're finally getting proper sleep. Why? Do you have something important to do today?"

"No, but still. I hate waking up late. You know that." He gritted his teeth while pinching his nose bridge in frustration.

"Well, now you're awake." She ignored him and went to the kitchen to prepare their lunch.


After taking a long bath, he finally felt energized and refreshed. His body really needs it. He took today's paper while looking for his reading glasses.

"C.C., where's the--" He walked to the living room expecting to find the witch sitting on the sofa, being lazy, but there was no sign of her. He observed the room and found a small sticky note on the coffee table. He took it and read it, this was obviously her handwriting.

"She's going to the town to buy groceries..." He slipped the note into his pocket unintentionally after reading it. "Why did she write it on a paper note though? I already gave her a cell phone," thought him loudly, but brushed it off quickly once he found his glasses in the kitchen.


C.C. walked to the town to buy some groceries, but first, she wants to make a quick visit at Martha and Ken to give a lasagna that she made for them.

Once she arrived in the town, all the shops were barely open. She looked at the huge clock tower and saw it pointed at 4.30 p.m. Why are they closing so early?

She saw a lady in her '40s and rushed to her, "Excuse me, ma'am."

"Oh my! You shouldn't be here at this hour, kid. Quickly, go home!" the lady dashed away after talking to her. She was left alone, dumbfounded and clueless about the situation. She looked around curiously. What's going on?

She arrived at the fruit store and hurried inside, ignoring the 'Closing' sign on the door, hoping to find the couple inside. However, as soon as the doorbell rang, her eyes widened in horror when she saw the state of the shop. All of the cabinets and furniture were ruined and out of places, the glasses were scattered everywhere on the floor. It seemed like a huge tornado had crashed into the store.

She walked around carefully while adjusting her eyes in the dark surroundings. "...Martha? Ken?"

She heard a loud gunshot behind her and spun around in alarm to see a man in complete black aiming a pistol at her. She could not see his face properly due to the darkness inside the store.

She wanted to move closer but stopped abruptly when the blood trickled down her face, she realized she had been shot in the head. She gritted her teeth, trying to suppress the pain she felt. It's alright, she has gone through worse pain than this. Ignoring the pain and following her instinct, she whirled and kicked the gun out of his grasp in a flash. She immediately caught the gun in the air and pointed it back at the guy furiously.

The guy was shocked and took a step back slowly, "I-I shot you in the head. How can you still standing?!"

She glared at him, "Where are the owners of this shop?!"

His eyes widened in shock as he realized something, he quickly grabbed a smoke bomb out of his jacket and threw it on the floor, filling the whole room with fog. C.C. closed her eyes in surprise as she thought it was poison gas. So, he took the chance to escape and run away.

The guy took his motorcycle and drove it off into the road. He let out a sigh after convinced no one was following him. "That girl- that girl is not a human. I need to tell him!" He took out his cell phone and dialed a number in panic without looking at the road.

Suddenly, his motorcycle crashed into something, and flipped upside down, crushing his legs violently. He screamed in pain, unable to move his legs beneath the heavy bike. He did not see any obstacles on the road, so how can his bike hit something so hard when there was nothing there?

He reached for his phone to call for help when a man suddenly appeared out of the shadows, wearing a huge black hat that covered his face, and stood right in front of him. He began to panic and struggled to get away from him. But it was too late, the man in the shadow choked him in rage while the guy screamed in agony as his skin burned up and slowly turned into ashes. In the blink of an eye, the guy has turned into dust and vanished.

"That's for hurting my girl." The shadow man turned away and disappeared in thin air.

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