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"I warned you. You're a witch, and you always be."

"Witches cannot bond with humans except for contracts and sacrifices..."

The same guy wearing a huge black hat from the juice bar before appeared out of the shadow, whispering in his dark tone. He stood firmly beside her as she froze in fear. "What do you want me to do?" asked her.

"End the contract with him," he whispered coldly into her ear, which send shivers down her bones.

"Y-you mean...kill him?"


Her eyes widened in terror, kill Lelouch...?

"I-I won't! If you want him, you have to go through me first!" She stared back at him with all the courage she had.

She clenched her fist tightly, waiting for the guy to explode or torment her. It's okay I can take any amount of torture for him.

The guy in the shadow stood silently for a second, staring down at her. Watching as her fear gradually gone in front of him. He grinned.

"Very well. If you're not going to kill him, then someone else will." With that final words, he vanished into shadow.

She collapsed on the ground and gasped for air as she forgot to breathe when that guy suddenly appeared in front of her. She slams her head on the ground hard and cried out of frustration. Why everywhere we go, there is always a death threat to him? It's because of that damn contract! But to end the contract, one of us has to die.

She hits her head multiple times, in anger. She never felt anything like this before. Anger. Fury. She tried to calm down but failed miserably. Her eyes glowed furiously in the dark. She never mentions this to him, since she rarely gets mad. But once she's mad, her magic will be out of control. "I will protect you. Even if it will cost my life, Lelouch."

She closed her eyes tightly as she tried to suppress her power from blowing up.

Suddenly, she felt a pair of arm wrapping around her. She stopped trembling and looked up to see his face. Lelouch. He is so beautiful, especially with his frown eyebrows. He looks surprised, worried, and glad.

She wrapped her arms around him tightly, relieved as all her anger and fear faded instantly when she saw him. He embraced her too while gently stroking her back. "Are you hurt?"

"No." She tightened her grip on him. He noticed and tried to take a look at her but was blocked by her hair.

"Are you okay?" He asked again.


"What?" He loosens the hug and pushed her hair to see her face. She shut her eyes tightly when their faces were close to each other.

"Open your eyes, C.C." orders him.

"No. I might hurt you..."

She quivered when he caressed her cheeks. "C.C., look at me."

She obey and opened her eyes slowly.

Lelouch was taken aback when he saw her eyes. There was a Geass symbol glowing in both of her eyes. He got a feeling that it have something to do with the shadow guy. He cannot let anyone see her right now. It might blow her cover.

So, he lifted her up abruptly into his arms which took her by surprise as she held on tightly to his neck. "Let's go home." He started to walk while carrying her in his arms.

"I can walk on my own, Lelouch." A blush is visible on her face.

"No. I'm not letting you go and giving you another chance to run away from me again." He said sternly. She sighed and leaned on him as her eyelids slowly drop in exhaustion.

After a few seconds, he glanced down and saw her asleep in his arms peacefully. He clenched his teeth while recalling everything that Ken had told him.

A peaceful place never exists.

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