Interference 3

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The next morning, Lelouch woke up to a sudden phone call from Sebastian. "...Hello?" he rubbed his eyes in tiredness as he slept at his desk again.

"You've found the insider? Finally!" His eyes opened abruptly in excitement. He stood up immediately, "I'll be there in 10 minutes."

Lelouch quickly went to get ready and drove to the hospital on his bike. He dashed towards the basement room in the hospital where they promised to meet. He looked around to make sure no one was there except them and the insider. He entered the room quickly and locked the door behind him. He saw a nurse tied up on the chair and there was tape on her mouth while Sebastian stood firmly beside her with crossed arms as he nodded at him.

Lelouch was amazed by his clean work, he always did everything he asked perfectly. No doubt he is the best right-hand for him.

Sebastian watched quietly as Lelouch pulled the blindfold that covered the nurse's eyes and suddenly a Geass appeared in his left eye. He wanted to finish this quickly by putting her under his power, so she would answer all his questions quickly.

"Did you work for the thief gang?" asked him sternly.

"Yes." The nurse looked at him with lifeless eyes as she were under his control.

"Who else works for them?"

"...The detective."

His eyes widened in shock. "Dave?"


"It can't be. Dave is Ken's best friend. They had known each other for a long time. So, don't lie!" Lelouch clenched his fist tightly as he glared at her.

"I'm not lying. He used all of you to find a way to the treasure and bring it to them," said her truthfully. Lelouch knew that she was telling the truth since she was under his power, but he was angry at himself for trusting that guy. "My instincts were right all along." He punched the ground hard in frustration.

"We're done," said him as he looked into her eyes and she fainted abruptly.

"What happened to her now?" Sebastian stood beside him while staring at her stiff body.

"She's fine. You can free her. In 5 minutes, she will wake up and become a dedicated nurse for her patients as she devoted her life to work in the hospital until she died. She is no longer working for them, I erased that," explained him as his eyes returned to normal.

"You don't want to kill her?" asked Sebastian in confusion.

Lelouch shook his head, "I do, but what change might it do? There are more important things to do than taking people's lives."

"Attaboy!" Sebastian patted his shoulder proudly with a huge smile. Lelouch grinned briefly.

"So, what's next?" Sebastian asked him.

"I already got a master plan in mind and it includes the detective himself," told him as a smirk slowly crept across his face. "I'm going to save her today."


Lelouch went to the cafe after receiving a message from the detective to meet with him there. He wanted to know what was he up to for the last time before executing his plan.

He spotted a librarian girl as soon as he arrived at the cafe as she waved at him happily from the table. "Hey, over here!"

Lelouch walked confusingly towards her, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm supposed to meet with the detective here and it seems like you do too. So, have a seat." She pointed to the empty chair in front of her with a smile. He took it without hesitation.

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