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Lelouch hurried into the hospital building and looked around, searching for her. The place was crowded with patients and nurses at this hour which doesn't make it any easier for him to find her. He noticed an available nurse walking in his direction. So, he rushed to the nurse and asked her the direction to the emergency room, which she kindly helped.

"Thank you." He nodded quickly and walked faster, following the direction given.

"Sorry, sir. You can't go in here. This is only for emergency patients." said another nurse, shortly after he arrived in front of the glass door with a sign of "Emergency Room" hanging. 

"I'm here to see the patients. So, let me in." He gritted his teeth anxiously. 

"Names?" asked the nurse while opening the tablet in her hand.

"Ken and Martha," answered him immediately. He knows that C.C. was smart enough not to risk giving her name to the system. So, he picks the persons that were closest to her.

The nurse nodded after she found the name on the system. "They are in room 36. You must be their relative. Please, follow me." She leads him to the room. 

"What happened to them?" asked him in concern. She shook her head slowly, "The male patient had several light injuries while the female patient was unconscious due to a sudden heart attack. She was very lucky that a young lady had helped them and called the ambulance immediately because if they lose any minutes, it will be too late for her..." 

'C.C.'  He thought loudly.

"Is the young lady hurt too?" asked him immediately. The nurse shook her head, "No. She's perfectly fine."

He let out a relieved sigh after hearing that words. "Here it is. Room 36. I'll be on my way now." 

"Thank you."

He open the door to room 36 and saw two single beds side-by-side where one of the beds was occupied by Ken who was looking rather surprised to see him at the hospital and the other one was Martha who was still unconscious, peacefully. 

He searched the room and found her finally! She was sitting on the uncomfortable chair facing Martha's bed in silence. He can tell that she was spacing out since she didn't notice him entering the room. He's worried about her.

He walked to Ken who was now sitting up on the hospital bed, facing him. "How are you, Ken? Sorry to come so late."

"It's okay, boy. I'm fine...Thanks to your wife, she helped us a lot today." Lelouch took a glance at her and back to the old man. "I've talked to one of the nurses, they said Martha's going to be fine. She's going to be okay, Ken." He flashed him a genuine smile. 

Ken nodded slowly with a relieved looks visible on his face. "Sorry, we keep her away so long from you. You must be worried too. She's sitting over there for hours now. I told her to go home, but she refused to leave." Ken pointed to C.C. who was sitting in silence.

"No, it's fine. She is stubborn. No one to blame for that." Lelouch shook his head slowly. Ken laughed, "Well, that makes the two of us, boy." He grinned and walked to her. "C.C." She did not respond to him as her back facing him. His eyebrows furrowed slightly. Weird.

"Hey, C.C." He touched her shoulder. Suddenly, the whole room turns pitch-black, empty, and cold. He looked around in stunned. "What the! Is this her mind right now?" 

He turned and saw a big shadow creep beside her, but he cannot see it clearly as it was dark. It was whispering something at her as her eyes gradually turn dark.

He has a bad feeling about it. So, he quickly grabbed her shoulder and shook it hard, "C.C.! Wake up!" Her head snapped back to reality and quickly turned to look at him in surprise. "Lelouch?"

The whole room turns back to normal again. Her lifeless eyes stared at him in silence until Lelouch grabbed her hands firmly. She blinked. "C.C., what's wrong? Are you in danger?"

She looked at him, confused. "What are you talking about? I'm fi-"

"Stop lying! I just saw a dark shadow near you. What is it tell you?!" He stared at her intensely with concern.

Her eyes widened in shock, "Y-you can see him too?" He nodded.

Her face suddenly turned pale. She shook her head in alarm. "No, no, no..." She pulled her hands away from him in terror. He watched her with confusion and concern, "C.C., what happened? Tell me. I'm your husband." Before he could step any closer to her, she walked away and exit the room in hurried. "C.C.!!"

"Seriously?!" He groaned in frustration as she disappear again. He pinched his temple and took a deep breath as he tried to calm down the burning anger inside him. Sebastian always reminds him to control his temper and think very carefully before act or speak. However, he finds it very difficult to stay calm, especially with her.

"Ken, can you please tell me what happened today and why is she acting like that?" He brushed his hair in frustration.

Ken nodded and offered him to sit before they start. "Don't be mad at her. She's probably still in shock at everything that happened today." Lelouch settled on the chair with a huff. Maybe, he's right.


C.C. sprinted to get out of the hospital building. Then, she spot a huge tree near the place and rushed over there to hide. Her feet were shaking terribly, she collapsed on the ground and screamed her heart out. I'm a witch!!

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