Encounter Part 1

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On a peaceful and quiet night inside the forest, Lelouch and C.C. were sleeping soundly together until he experienced another awful nightmare. C.C. opened her eyes slowly as she could feel his body tensed and shaking softly beside her. She glanced at him and saw his face was drenched in a cold sweat with furrowed eyebrows. She looked at him in worried while wiping off the sweat gently on his face as not to wake him up. She brushed his hair softly to comfort him, and suddenly his dream flashed before her eyes. She could see all his nightmares as she saw him standing alone on the top of corpses while his body was drenched with blood. She watched him as he was trembling and screaming over his friends' dead bodies.

She placed both of her hands on his face, and her golden eyes glow furiously. Then, all his nightmares were gone in a flash as she used her magic to make it vanish. She lay down tiredly beside him and sighed as she felt very weak after using her power. Before she went back to sleep, she checked on Lelouch once again to make sure he sleep comfortably and brushed his hair gently.


The next morning, they went to visit Sebastian and Anya at the farm. Lelouch decided to help Sebastian at his farm today since he had writer's block (Lelouch is a writer) and has nothing else to do at home.

While Lelouch and Sebastian picked corn and vegetables on the farm. C.C. and Anya sat at the garden bench located near Sebastian's farm.

"What's wrong with him today, Sis?" asked Anya to C.C. who was staring blankly at the sky. They were friends but due to the huge age gap and height differences, they decided to call and think of each other as sisters. "He's more gloomy and silent than usual." continued her while observing him from afar.

"He had another nightmare," replied C.C. flatly.

"Again? That's like 6 times this month."

"7" C.C. corrected her.

"So, what are you gonna do about it C.C.?" asked Anya interestedly as she knew about her curse since C.C. had saved her once from a Geass user who controlled her in the war 2 years ago.

"Nothing." "This is the phase that everyone will normally experience after the war. He just needs to learn to let it go and move on," she said based on her past experience. She looked at Sebastian and her husband talking with an emotionless face.

"Besides, using my power will only make it worst." C.C. showed her as she picked a rose with her bare hand, immediately it wilted and turned to dust.

"Show off." Anya gave her an unimpressed look. The witch grinned mischievously at her and picked more flowers to annoy her and it work. "Hey! Don't you dare touch them. Those townspeople want them by today!" She slapped her hands off her flowers. Suddenly, C.C.'s eyes lit up as an idea flashed in her head.


"That's the last one," said Lelouch after he put down his baskets on the ground. He wiped his face with a towel hanging around his neck and took a deep breath after a long exhausting hour.

"Thanks, Lelouch. How are you feeling now? Much better?" said Sebastian with a satisfied smile.

He nodded a little, but to be honest he still felt demotivated and stressed as the day passed. He tried not to think much about it but he felt like something was missing and empty. "...Lelouch!"

He looked up and saw C.C. walking towards him with an excited grin plastered on her face. "Let's go to the town today! I need to deliver these flowers." She showed him the baskets full of flowers.

He sighed and shook his head, "No. I'm tired and I'm drenched in sweats right now. I can't go."

She rolled her eyes, "There are two things called 'shower and soap', Lelouch," replied her sarcastically which earned her a death glare from him. She put her hands on her waist abruptly as they were having a silent glaring moment. This always happen when they have an argument, with only one simple rule, 'Whoever wins should do as the winner asked.'

Hence, both of them did not want to lose, so he activated his geass and tried to cast it on her. She smirked, "It does not work on me, honey."

Finally, he gave up. "Ugh, fine! You witch..." he muttered angrily and went off straight to wash up.

"Trust me. You won't regret it. It will be fun!" said she with a satisfied smile, as she won against him.

"I already regret it!" He shouts from afar. She rolled her eyes and turned to Sebastian who watched them in silence. "What?"

"You're really good at making him mad, aren't you." He chuckled and shook his head slowly.

C.C. grinned at him without a word.

"You know, it reminds me a lot of the first time I saw him mad. It was when he had a crush on the girl, but he doesn't know how to show affection toward her. Instead, he always glares and stared coldly at her, and when the girl tried to talk to him, he would snap at her. I was confused at that time whether his face was red due to rage or embarrassment." told him with a huge smile.

C.C.'s face turned red as she tried to hold her laughter from bursting out at the story.

"Poor little girl. Who is she?" asked C.C. immediately.

"Shirley Fenette," answered him truthfully. As soon as she heard the name, her eyes widened in surprise and she was speechless for a second as she tried to digest the answer. 'Lelouch had a crush on Shirley?... Interesting.'


"What are we doing here, C.C.?!" whispered Lelouch while gritting his teeth out of irritation at her who was busy shopping for clothes.

She looked up while holding the clothes higher to him and tested on him casually. "I just realized that we don't have enough clothes to keep us warm for the winter. Besides, your old clothes don't fit you anymore." stated her matter of fact.

"Your body is growing so fast, honey" She stroked his arm, and chest without thinking, "See, you gain more muscles than before. Plus, your body really fits," said her truthfully. All the girls in the shop stared at them in silence as she kept on touching him.

Lelouch's face turned furious red as she touched him mindlessly. He grabbed her wrist abruptly to stop her and scowled, "Fine, I'll try them on. Happy now?" He snatched the clothes from her grip and went straight to the fitting room. C.C. smiled and shook her head slowly after he left. Then, she continued looking for suitable clothes for her and tried them on.

After Lelouch finished trying on all the clothes, he waited for her who was still in the fitting room. He sat on the seat in front of her fitting room. Then, she opened the door slowly revealing her chosen clothes. She was wearing a white blouse with long sleeves and a long thick red skirt. Her braided hair swung to her side as she turned slowly while looking at him.

"How was it?" asked her curiously. He was too stunned to answer as his eyes widened in astonishment. "Gorgeous," commented him with a brief smile. "I know, right?" she said confidently.

He chuckled at her once she put on a random hat to match the outfit. He grabbed the hat away from her grasp while laughing at her face. "You look like a scout cookie girl, if you wear that," commented him with a laugh. She huffed and tried on the next hat while making faces at him jokingly which made him burst into laughter again. He quickly joined her and took the same hat while trying to match hers. They were busy looking for a suitable hat when the shop's doorbell rang, he looked up and froze when he saw a familiar face entering the shop.

He pulled her into the fitting room immediately and locked the door in a rush."What-"

"Shhh. Shirley's here!" he whispered in panic as he saw her enter the shop a second ago. C.C. saw his face turn pale and grabbed him abruptly to meet his eyes, "Hey, calm down. Remember, you're Louis."

He stared at her with a quizzical look, then she rummaged through her bag and gave him a blonde-haired wig and a pair of contact lenses. "Wear these in here, while I go distract her."

He gave her a surprised look as he never expected that she would keep all those things in her bag. She grinned broadly at him, "I always prepare for the emergency. Don't underestimate me." She patted his cheeks and left him alone.

He wore the wig and the dark-brown contact lenses quickly while thinking of an escape plan. 'She won't do or say anything stupid, right?' Thought Lelouch nervously. He was not ready to face this moment. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself, 'It's okay. C.C. is here with me, I'm not facing it alone.'

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