Encounter Part 2

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C.C. has no intention of talking to Shirley in the first place since they have never spoken to each other in the past. She bet that Shirley didn't even know her name, they have only met like 2 times and it was a long time ago.

Yet, there they are right now standing face to face with each other without uttering a single word. After some time, Shirley cleared her throat and spoke first. "So...you live here?"

"Who are you?" C.C. avoided her question by pretending to not recognize her.

"Oh, I apologize. I'm Shirley Fenette. Lelouch's friend. You must have not recognized me since we were not officially introduced back then. But, I always saw you with him. You're not from our school, right? I mean back then." She was mumbling while fidgeting her fingers nervously.

"C.C. and no. I'm not."

"Wait, you're C.C.?" She asked in utter surprise.

She gave her a suspicious glance, "You heard of me before? From who?" She suspected that Kallen was the one that told Shirley about her since they were friends and she must have spilled everything. She clenched her fist tightly.

"Nunally told me about you but I didn't know it was your name. I thought it was someone else's. So, you're C.C. What it stands for?"

"Nothing. It's just my name." She let out a relieved sigh after her assumption was wrong, but she was curious about what Nunally said about her. So, she asked.

"She said that you are her mentor. You taught her everything. I guess that's why I always saw you with her brother...I thought that you were his girlfriend haha. Silly me." She chuckled.

A grin slowly creeps on her lips. Suddenly, she remembers her husband that still stuck in the fitting room. "I have to go now. Let's not meet again."

Before she could walk away, Shirley stopped her abruptly, "You came here alone? Maybe, we could-"

"No. I'm with someone. Bye." She excused herself and waited for her to leave the shop.

Shirley stayed for a while looking around the shop before leaving.

"She's gone. You can come out now," C.C. knocked at the door, signaling him to step outside. He opened the door with a huge relief sign on his face while wearing the wig and contact lenses she gave him.

"Oh, sorry. Wrong husband."

"Hahaha. Funny." He laughed sarcastically and rolled his eyes. "Let's go. We're done here." He grabbed her hand and started walking toward the cashier to pay for the clothes.

"Wait. Hold on." She rummaged through her handbag once again and brought out a baseball cap for him to wear it. "Don't want you to stand out much, honey. Okay." She fixed the cap on his head with a satisfied grin.

He looked at her with a grin, "Seriously, what other things do you have in your bag? I might not be surprised if there was a bunny in there too." She laughed and shoved him to go to the counter. They did not realize that there was a pair of eyes watching them from afar.

They exited the shop with two paper bags in Lelouch's hands. C.C. decided to call it a day and went back home before they encounter another unexpected person in the town. However, her plan went astray when a voice suddenly appeared behind them and they knew exactly who it belongs to. Lelouch held his breath in anxious.

"C.C., sorry to disturb you! I know I should never talk to you...since we're not friends yet. But, can I have a moment?" Shirley pleaded to talk to her.

C.C. frowned, "No. I have to go." She turned away.

Before she could take another step, Lelouch pulled her hand backward and tilted his head signaling her to be nice and go talk to her. C.C. was stunned by the unexpected request from her husband and sighed. "Fine. 2 minutes."

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