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"... Lelouch!!"

C.C. sprinted towards him, abandoning the bike after she pushed him right on time before that huge rocks squashed him. She heard him groaning and saw him lying on the piles of rubbles with thin blood running across his face. She gasped and quickly brushed off his hair in panic while trying to stop the blood on his head. "What were you thinking!? Do you want to die!?"

He opened his eyelids slowly and saw a pair of golden eyes staring into his eyes in concern while her hands brushed off his hair caringly. The surroundings were blurry and dreamy as his eyes stared blankly at her. 'C.C...' He saw her lips moving, but he could not hear anything. He must have died, gone to the other world, and met her again. His eyes were half-open while staring at her in paralyzed. He could not move his muscles to speak or do anything.

"Lelouch! Wake up!" She slapped his face abruptly but no response from him. His violet eyes were staring blankly in the air.

The shadow man appeared beside them and examined him closely, "Seems like his body shuts down. Guess, going to the Geass realm had taken a toll on him."

"What-! He went there?!" Her eyes widened in rage. "Lelouch, you idiot! After we get out of here, you're gonna be in big trouble!" exclaimed her with a frown. She tried to pull him up and did not notice giant rocks falling over her. "Watch out!!" warned the shadow man in shock.

"Huh?" She looked up abruptly and saw the rocks were a few inches from her face. She closed her eyes tightly ready to be hit.

Suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her and pushed her away from it. The rocks hit the rubble violently causing the ground to tremble. She panted heavily as her body rolled on the rubble hard and opened her eyes in surprise, 'I'm saved?' She noticed a familiar hand covering her head from hitting the ground and turned abruptly to see Lelouch's body over her, protecting her from the impact.

Their gazes locked to each other as she stared at the shock-wide violet eyes that stared back at her in disbelief. "C.C.?"

She sighed in relief after hearing his voice again and pulled him up immediately. "Yes. Come on! Let's get out of here."

He pulled his arm away from her grasp and took a step back, "No. You're not real. You're a ghost just like that boy."

She sighed exasperatedly, "Lelouch, there's no time for this. The whole cave will collapse. Let's go!" exclaimed her in a hurry.

"No. I want to stay here," said him calmly. She gave him a confusing look. "After I die, we can be together again, C.C. Just wait for me, I'm coming to you." He smiled faintly at her.

She shook her head and pulled his face abruptly, forcing him to meet her eyes, "Lelouch, listen! I'm not a ghost. I'm real and I'm not dead!"

His eyebrows furrowed slowly as he looked at her in confusion, he could not differentiate between the living and the dead or reality and imaginary anymore. There was something in his eyes that messing with his mind as he squinted at her.

She examined his eyes closely and gasped in horror when she saw shadows in his eyes. 'The shadows! It messing with him. That's why he can't differentiate between me and a ghost!' She glared furiously at the shadow man beside her. He grinned at her darkly and vanished.

'This would only happen when you interact with the shadows which had happened to her before and it nearly caused her to lose control of her power. It is deadly dangerous to interact with them. That's why she tried to keep him away from the shadows. They will mess with his mind until he loses his sanity and dies. Hence, encountering them is the same as meeting death.'

'How do I stop it?' She thought for a second. Then, her eyes shone abruptly as an idea flashed in front of her. 'The rubble.'

'He used his instinct to save me. His mind may be a mess right now but his instincts are not. Then, in order to wake him up, I have to force him to use his instincts again.' She grinned and wandered slowly.

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