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Since the day of the incident where they encountered Shirley and the mysterious guy, both of them had gradually changed.

Lelouch, who works as a writer, overloaded himself by concentrating on his writing all night as the deadline approached, whereas C.C. rarely stayed at home as she went to visit the town all day. They spend less time together as they were preoccupied with their own things.

The only time they spend together is on weekends when they went to visit Sebastian.

"Are guys fighting or what?"

"What," replied C.C. to Anya blandly as they were picking the strawberries on Sebastian's farm together.

Anya tried to figure it out and possibly get her to talk about it, but it was pointless. C.C. is good at keeping everything to herself.

C.C. and Lelouch passed each other countless times at the farm without saying anything. Sebastian observed them quietly and whispered something to his wife, Lyla. The lady with short brown hair nodded and smiled at him. They freshened up after finishing their work at the farm, and sat at the small dining table for lunch, prepared by Lyla.

It was a daily routine for them to visit and help Sebastian at his beautiful and peaceful farm every weekend. Then, they would spend a whole day with him and his family, doing a bunch of fun activities.

However, today was a bit quiet and chilly day as both of them acted strangely. Lelouch and Sebastian settled in the living room after lunch while C.C. helped his wife clean up the dishes.

"Are you guys fighting?" Sebastian attempted the conversation while looking at him with concern.

"No. We're fine." He shook his head and crossed his legs calmly.

"It's normal to have a quarrel with each other when you guys are married. You don't have to pretend."

"Seriously, we were not fighting, Uncle Seb," Lelouch said truthfully.

He thought for a second. "Well, did you guys talk?"

Lelouch nodded quickly, "Yeah."

"I mean like a real talk. Not just a regular talk," explained him slowly. Lelouch gave him a weird look and tilted his head slightly, "...I guess?"

Sebastian knew him well when he lied because he had raised the prince since little. "Lelouch... communication is really important in a relationship. It helps solve problems and build stronger connections. However, lack of it will lead to misunderstanding or worst, separation," explained him to the prince with a serious tone.

Lelouch nodded, "I know. Well, I did ask her once, but she said it was gonna be okay as she needed time to adapt to all of these. So, there's nothing to worry about, Uncle Seb." He shrugged off with a convinced grin.

"When was the last time you asked her that?"

"Woah, are we going to do this for a whole day? I'm not a child anymore, I can handle this," exclaimed him.

"Yes, but I won't let you take this matter lightly cuz marriage is not the same as friendship or couple. It is more than that and it's very precious to which point you would be scared of losing her. Do you understand?"

Lelouch was speechless for a second, this is the first time he saw Sebastian being tough and serious with him. He was usually a gentle, outgoing, and obedient person around him. He liked this new side of him though, it shows that he really and genuinely cared for him.

"A week ago," Lelouch answered him at last.

Sebastian looked at him in surprise and shook his head in disappointment. Lelouch noticed that and sat up straight abruptly, "You told me before, that mutual trust is important, right? So, I trusted her and gave her space. It's normal for every partner to have a secret that they kept from each other. We don't always have to share everything as long as we're on good terms. So, what's the problem?"

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