Alter Ego 2

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Lelouch walked into the fruit store and observed the place quietly. The shop was in the same state as it was yesterday. No one is willing to help them in restoring the shop since it involved the thief gang, including the police.

It's a good thing, though. Now, he can search the whole place to find any piece of a clue without interruptions.

He wore a pair of gloves and immediately crouched on the floor as he saw the speck of dust with shoeprints on it. It was big and heavy, 'The thief,' he thought to himself.

Then, he began to trace down the shoeprints from the front door to the back shop which eventually leads him to the storeroom. He flung open the door wide and was stunned to see a huge steel door inside the storeroom. "A bulletproof door? How did they able to afford that?"

He noticed a few marks of bullet shot on the door and carefully examined it. 'The couple must be hidden in here when the thief broke into their shop. It's like they were expecting him to come and shoot them.'

Without wasting any seconds, he tried to open that door but failed as it was locked from inside. He looked for a keyhole but there was nothing. 'A high-tech steel door in the back of the fruit shop. It does not make any sense!'

He tried many times to unlock the door by looking for a hidden button or a keyhole, but no luck. He groaned in frustration, and suddenly an idea flash in front of his eyes. 'Why look for a key when I could just bomb this damn door. Brilliant!'

He was about to execute the plan when he saw C.C.'s scarf under the shelves in the storeroom, he froze instantly. "Don't do anything stupid," her voice echoed in his head multiple times. He picked up her scarf from the ground and noticed a smudge of blood on it. Suddenly, all the scenes of yesterday flashed before his eyes.

He shook his head after the flash was over and quickly captured the important point. 'That guy shoot her and escaped. She did not kill him.' He sighed in relief.

'Then, who did?'

He spends a whole day, busy inspecting the shop and gathering clues that he was not aware there was a pair of eyes watching him from afar.


As soon as he arrived at their cottage, it was already dark. He went to freshen up before dinner when he felt a sudden sharp pain in his chest. He stumbled at his desk and groaned in pain as the burning slowly pierced into his skin. He quickly took off his shirt and saw the Geass symbol on his chest burning up. His eyes widened in shock, "C.C.-Argh!! Damn it!"

He tried to hold the pain as long as he can without losing consciousness as his ear started ringing. He struggled to breathe for a while, but eventually managed to do so as the pain slowly faded. He checked in the mirror to find whether there were any burn scars on his body but gladly he found nothing.

'Something must have happened to her.' He gritted his teeth tightly as his eyes widened in fury. All of a sudden, the Geass symbol appeared in both of his eyes. "If I wasn't so busy looking for clues in that stupid shop, I could have saved her today!" He yelled in the mirror as he was talking to himself.

He dashed toward the bag and took out the gun. "I'm going to save her and kill all of them," he stared at the gun with a grin. Suddenly, Sebastian's voice echoed in his head, "Don't do anything stupid."

He turned around quickly, "Shut up!"

"You intend to be very reckless and make a rush decision, Lelouch."

Lelouch pulled his hair back in frustration as the voice kept repeating in his head. He was lost as his mind could not think straight. At that moment, he noticed a familiar glasses on the desk, he grabbed it slowly and wore it unconsciously.

He looked at himself in the mirror and all of a sudden his mind became clear. This is him now. A normal young man living among normal people with a wife, who happened to be a witch. He has a job and a peaceful life with his wife. "I cannot ruin all of that by being rash and reckless. I have to protect our current peaceful life and not make a big mess."

He closed his eyes tightly and took a deep breath. Once he opened his eyes, the Geass symbols were already gone and he slowly let go of the gun. "That's right. I should be calm. There were probably hundreds of bad guys and it was just me and C.C. I should come up with a perfect plan."

"Hold on, C.C. I will save you."

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