See You Again

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"Is it really here?" Jay watched the screen on his phone carefully as the detective gave him the location of the gold mine. He observed the place quietly as he was surrounded by nothing but trees and rocks. It was a dark and cold night in the middle of the forest, he could not see around clearly due to the thick fog. He walked straight ahead for another half an hour and finally saw an opening to an old mine. He grinned in satisfaction, "This must be it."

He entered the mine immediately with the help of a torchlight to see his way to the golds. He walked deep into the mine for another ten minutes until he saw a light in front of him and grinned abruptly, "Dave, buddy. Nice work!"

The detective stood in front of him with a smile. Jay saw his face full of bruises and did not care to ask more about it. He looked around the cave excitedly when he saw no gold but an empty dark cold dirty old mine. His eyes widened in anger, "Where is the gold?!"

Dave smiled at him without blinking an eye. "Stop smiling! You idiot!!" exclaimed Jay in irritation.


Suddenly, a loud shot of a bullet echoed inside the mine from afar as it hit his right leg. He groaned in pain while holding his leg in shock as it took him by surprise. He saw a bullet on the ground and turned around abruptly. Then, he saw the same guy in the lab and at the hospital walking toward him while pointing a gun at him with a cold gaze. His raven hair blended perfectly in the darkness as his eyes glowed in red, full of bloodlust.


Lelouch shot him again, twice at his left thigh and hip, paralyzing him all at once to prevent him from escaping again. He grinned at the sound of his painful screaming as it echoed inside the mine.

Jay lied on the ground as he clenched his teeth tightly to suppress the pain before he burst into laughter. Lelouch stood ten feet in front of him, unfazed by the sudden response from him. Jay looked at the detective and back to him in amazed, "You tricked me. You controlled him and told him to bring me here. So, all this time, I was walking right into your trap. Heh, I underestimated you!"

"Death trap," Lelouch corrected him.

He scoffed abruptly. "You're just wasting your time, pal. You can't kill me cuz I'm immortal," said him with a grin.

Lelouch stood firmly in front of him, expressionless. "So?"

"You can still feel the pain and I'm gonna make you suffer until you wish you were dead." Lelouch shot him abruptly on his shoulders and chest twice as he screamed in agony. He pulled the triggers again and again until the last bullet left. A whole mine filled with loud bangs and screaming while the shadow man watched them quietly in the dark and frowned, 'He's despicable.'

Lelouch walked closer to him as he was lying in the pool of blood with a grin. "Did you want to kill me so bad 'cause I killed your witch? You're pathetic." He laughed at him faintly as his mouth was full of blood.

Lelouch's jaw tightened abruptly, "You killed my wife!" He gritted his teeth in anger and pointed the gun at his head abruptly.

Jay stared at him confidently with a satisfied grin until he saw a small shadow move behind him. His eyes widened in horror when he saw a glimpse of the boy. Lelouch noticed his face change and grinned slowly, "Why? Afraid of a little ghost?"

He looked at him in fear as Lelouch pulled the last trigger at him.

BANG! The bullet hit the ground abruptly.

He chuckled nervously when he noticed the bullet did not hit him, "You missed. Haha."

"Did I?" Lelouch's eyes glowed red abruptly. He stared into his eyes unconsciously, and then a sudden bright light shone into his eyes. He turned around abruptly and noticed he was not in the old mine anymore. His surroundings became white, blurry, and empty. It was like standing in a void space. "What is this place?"

"Welcome to the Geass realm where there are no rules in here." Lelouch spread his arms in a welcoming gesture.


Lelouch saw his confused face. "No rules. Which means I can kill you and you will die here," said him darkly.

He looked confusingly at him, "How did you do that?"

"I planted my Geass on you easily when you were distracted," Lelouch grinned briefly.

He fell speechless. He never knew he could do that since it requires a powerful strength to do that. He shook his head abruptly, 'No. He's not human. No human can do anything like this.'

He looked up at him and saw an enormous shadow surround him as he stood firmly in front of him. He could have sworn that he saw a pair of black wings on his back as he grinned at him.

"Do you think this is my first time killing a greedy-selfish immortal like you? I've done this before and I got a hang of it now." Lelouch gave him a death gaze while pointing the gun at his head abruptly.

"Your gun is empty," said Jay confidently as he counted the bullets in his gun.

An evil grin slowly crept over Lelouch's face.

His eyes widened in shock as he felt a sudden chill down his spine. He stared anxiously at the gun and stuttered, "W-wait!"

BANG!! Lelouch pulled the trigger and shot at his skull.

His body dropped to the ground immediately as the blood splattered on Lelouch's face. He did it. He killed him. He finally avenges her. His eyelids drooped as his energy slowly drained out. Suddenly, a strong wind blew over him as his hair flowed in the gush of wind.

"...Thank you."

He turned around and saw the ghost boy standing behind him in color. No more damaging skin and thorns clothes. No shadows. The boy smiled broadly at him as his body turned to white dust and vanished into the air. He stared at the floating dust blankly and sighed. How he wished that was her smiling at him. If only he could meet her for the last time before she left him forever.

He blinked twice and he was back into the old mine with a corpse. The shadow man appeared beside him instantly and saw something in his hand. His eyebrows furrowed, "What are you doing?"

"Deal's a deal," Lelouch quickly pressed the remote in his hand without hesitation. All of a sudden, the whole mine blew up and exploded into pieces. The shadow man was startled when he saw the raven boy standing in the middle of the mess with a grin. It was his actual plan to blow up the mine and bury all the thieves that trying to steal the gold. Nonetheless, after everything that has happened. He decided to end his life here where no one would find his body.

The cave crumbled violently as the stones fell to the ground and hit all of them. Lelouch stood calmly on the shaking ground while waiting to be buried under the rocks. He closed his eyes in surrender when he saw a huge rock shaking violently above him, threatening to squash him. 

The shadow man stared at him in disbelief. 'He had cheated death many times, and now he just walked right up to it. Is he not afraid?'

Suddenly, a faint strange noise echoed inside the mine. It grew louder every second as it got closer. The shadow man noticed something was moving faster toward them from a distance. He could clearly hear the sound of a roaring engine from afar. Suddenly, a motorbike appeared out of nowhere racing towards the raven boy at full speed as it dashed into the rubble. His eyes widened in shock when he saw the rider. "You?!"

Lelouch stood firmly under the shaking rocks waiting to be hit by it, until a sudden force pushed him away. He fell backward and hit his head hard on the ground. A groan escaped his lips as a loud ringing echoed inside his head. He could not hear anything besides the ringing. Suddenly, he felt a cold hand brushing his face in panic. He opened his eyes slowly and saw a strand of green hair flowing in front of him.

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