Gone 3

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C.C. slowly opened her eyes as she felt cold iron cuffs around her arms and legs. She tried to move them, but they were stuck to the iron chair, and she realized her hands and legs were tightly chained to the chair. Then, she noticed a heavy iron ring clutching on her head and sighed in defeat as she cannot escaped from it.

"You awake? That's quick." She saw the guy that shot her earlier in a black lab coat pulling a lab needle and a drug bottle off the shelf. "I should've increased the dose to give a longer effect on you." He drew the needle from the bottle slowly.

She ignored him and examined the room carefully as it was a bit dark, but she could still see the exit door, and a strange rustic machine that attached with her chair. "What exactly is your plan after killing your boss? You want power and the status. You already have it," said her.

He nodded slowly, "Not quite. I want something huge and you have what I need."

C.C. shook her head abruptly, "I won't give you my power."

He scoffed sarcastically, "I already have that. You're not the first witch I've encountered in my life." He showed her a Geass symbol on his left arm shortly with a grin. Her eyes widened in disbelief. 'He have the Geass!'

He finally caught her off guard and moved closer to her, staring into her eyes with a cold glance, "You have something else that I need. The key to the door."

"What door?" asked her in utter confusion.

"The steel door at the fruit store that leads to the gold mine. The key was perfectly hidden and only few people know where it is including you. So, tell me. Where is the key?!" He tightened his gripped on her arms as she winced.

"How should I know? It's not my shop." She shot him a glare.

He slapped her face abruptly, "Don't lie!"

"It is up to you to believe me or not. But I'm telling you, I don't know." She clenched her teeth in annoyance as she felt a pain stings on her right cheek.

He let out a sigh and removed the needle from his pocket, "You witches are really stubborn." He injected something into her arm as she sat there, unfazed.

"This drug will fully disable your healing power. Make it easier for me to kill you, as I did with the previous witch. I killed him on this same chair and I can't wait to do it again." He grinned.

"You killed him?" asked her in surprised. Then, she noticed a small shadow moving behind him and her eyes widened in realization. "Is he perhaps a 10-year-old boy with a curly ginger hair?" described her as she finally saw the figure inside the shadow clearly.

He stood speechless for a second until he saw her staring at the wall behind him. He spun around to see what was behind him, but found nothing, "How did you know that?" He looked at her suspiciously.

"Witch hunch." She shrugged.

"That's enough. You might not remember where the key is now, but a little shock might jog your memory." He had enough of her nonsense and immediately pressed the button on the machine. Suddenly, a high volatile of electricity flowed from the machine through the chair and shocked her whole body as she screamed in pain. He tortured her continuously until she gave him the answer.

A shadow man appeared beside her abruptly, "Give it up."

"No," she clenched her teeth tightly to suppress the pain.

"Hang in there." A little ghost appeared on her other side as he watched her in terror. C.C. opened her eyes slowly and saw the ghost's face. His face was pale with blue shades under his eyes as he was staring at her in horror. He wore a ripped shirt and his skin was majorly damaged due to the high degree of burn. "...Are you really dead?" asked C.C. between her breath.

The boy shook his head slowly, "I don't know...After he put me in that chair, everything turned into darkness. Once I woke up, I was inside a shadow and no one could see or hear me except you." He looked at her in confusion.

"That's because I'm a witch too," C.C. exhaled sharply. "I know what's going on with you and I can help you. But first, you have to do something for me." C.C. looked at the boy as he nodded slowly. She whispered something to him as his eyes glowed in astonishment.

Jay watched her talking to herself and shook his head, "She's completely gone mad."

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