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The sun began to rise high above the horizon when a cold breeze swept through the room, carrying the sounds of birds and rustling leaves from the forest with it. A few rays of sunlight shone through the thin curtains and pierced through Lelouch's eyelids, waking him from sleep. His violet eyes flashed open as he had a strange dream last night. He recalled in that dream he was bawling his eyes out like a baby when he thought she was gone. He shifted slightly in embarrassment and stopped when he heard a soft moan beside him and turned to see a beautiful witch sleeping beside him peacefully as she snuggled to him.

A smile slowly crept on his lips as his fingers ran through her silky hair, admiring her. Her thick blond eyelashes glimmered in the sun as the rays fell upon her sleeping face. People might be mistaken that she's an angel if they saw her in that lighting.

"Wake up, C.C.," he pinched her nose and grinned at her cute frown as she was still asleep. He pinched her puffy cheeks next and stretched them with a sly grin. "C.C., you should probably wake up now if you don't want me to tickle you."

"...don't you dare," she opened her eyes slowly and slapped his hands in annoyance. She hates tickles and he knew that.

"Good morning," said him while staring into the golden orbs with a wide smile. He felt exceptionally good and happy today.

"Good morning," she smiled back, locking gazes with him.

"Looks like someone in a good mood today. How do you feel?" She stroked his face gently and brushed her thumb against his corner lips as the scrapes on his face were gone.

"Much better. Thank you." He pressed his lips on her fingers and kissed them fondly. She chuckled.

All of a sudden, a loud ringing phone echoed in the living room, interrupting their intimate moment. She groaned. "I'll get it," he rose from the bed and walked toward the phone. His body didn't feel sore anymore as it heal overnight.

"Hello?" He picked it up. His face slightly changed after hearing the news. "I understand. I'll tell her. Thanks, Sebastian."

He walked into the room quietly, thinking about how to break the news to her. He saw her slowly approaching him in curiosity. "What's wrong? Who's that calling?"

He took a deep breath and grabbed her hands firmly, pulling her close to him. She looked at him in worry. "It was Sebastian...and it's about Martha. She's-" He was cut off by her finger on his lips as her eyes drooped in realization. "I guess I already know where this going..." She sighed.

He looked at her, hands clasped to her face with a smile, "Let's go meet her." She didn't respond as her eyes darted away from him. He could feel her doubts and gently rubbed her shoulders in comfort, "Together." She stared at his violet eyes for assurance and nodded slowly.

"Oh, that reminds me. What happened to Ken's daughter? I forgot about her after I 'accidentally' left her in the woods," he winced over his carelessness. He hoped nothing bad happened to her.

C.C. laughed after he said that. "Don't worry. She's perfectly fine. She's with her parents now. The firemen found her near the ruined building and brought her back to the town safely. I already erased her dark memories and left the happy ones. So, she won't remember any of it," explained her.

He looked at her in amusement, "Brilliant."


After breakfast, they went straight to the hospital meeting the old couple in the ward as they stood beside Martha's bed quietly watching her stiff body and pale face lying on the bed. Ken held his daughter, Lily's hand tightly in sadness as the girl stared confusingly at her mother.

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