Late 2

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"Done, finally..."

Lelouch lay back in his seat out of exhaustion after spending a whole day finishing his work. He checked the clock on his laptop. 6:30 p.m. Where is she? She should be back right now. No shops are open at this hour.

He reached for his phone to call her, 3 times attempts but she did not answer it. He sighed and moved to get his jacket before heading outside. "She must have lost track of time, again... I should get her before dark."


C.C. covered her mouth and nose from the gas with her scarf. After the smoke gradually disappear, she looked around but no sign of the guy inside the shop anymore. She gritted her teeth in frustration as she realized he has escaped.

Suddenly, she heard a faint cough at the far back, assuming it was the bad guy. She hurriedly went to the back of the shop and noticed the door of the storeroom was slid open, she walked over there slowly and carefully not to make any sound. Once she entered the room, she let out a relieved sigh when she find the old couple sitting on the floor, conscious. She dashed to help them, "Ken! Martha! Are you guys okay?"

"What are you doing here, kid?!" Ken and Martha were surprised to see her here at this time.

"I came to see you, but then I met a guy with a gun inside your shop. I supposed he is a thief, but unfortunately, he had escaped. Did he hurt you guys? Are guys hurt?"

"We're fine, dear. Don't worry, we knew they would come today. So, we hid in our storeroom which has a bulletproof door, it could protect us from them. We were safe in there."

"Wait, what do you knew they would come to you? Who are they?" C.C. gave them a suspicious look.

Ken and Martha exchanged worried glances, they quickly tried to change the topic. "We heard a gunshot earlier. Oh dear! There's blood on your shirt! Did he shoot you?!" Martha started to panic.

C.C. forgot about the shot incident on her forehead earlier. Fortunately, the injuries on her forehead have immediately healed and left no scars, but there is still a trace of blood on her shirt.

"Calm down. These are not blood, it's red paintings. I was painting at home earlier and didn't realize that it had left a smudge on my shirt." She lied.

"But still. You need to go to a hospital to check for any minor injuries," said Ken with concern.

"Stop. The person that needs to go to the hospital right now is both of you. Seriously, you guys were just been attacked by the thief! Stop worrying about someone else," said her firmly with a little annoyance. They really need to put themselves as their top priority!

"Dear, you're not just anyone to us. You're important too," Martha patted her hand gently. C.C. looked into her eyes, confused.

"Anyway, thank you for saving us. We owe you so much." Both of them smiled gratefully at her. She shook her head slowly with a grin. Well, at least both of them are fine, thought her with a smile.

They exited the storeroom and went to the front store. C.C. expect them to freak out after finding out about the state of their shop, but they didn't. The couple was strangely calm in the situation.

"Looks like we have to start cleaning up this mess right now. Kid, you should return to your home now. It's getting dark, your husband might be worried." Ken swept all the shattered glasses on the floor with a broom while telling her to return home immediately.

"Nah, he's fine. Let me help you guys clean all of these. 3 pairs of hands are much faster than 2, right?" C.C. picked up the fruits on the floors carefully but quickly. Ken nodded in agreement and they started to clean up. Until...

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