Lelouch & C.C. *Edit*

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C.C. stayed at the juice bar counter while watching them from there, her drinks had already been served half an hour ago. She wanted to give them some time alone to catch up on whatever. She enjoyed her watermelon juice with a silent thought until a group of ladies came in and stood beside her, gossiping.

"Hey, look who's here. A lime girl." One of the ladies spoke loudly to her friends.

C.C. gave them an uninterested look and ignored them. She was not in the mood of talking right now. They were the same ladies that she saw staring at her husband on their first date in the town.

"Alone, huh. Where's your handsome partner?" The lady asked with a sarcastic grin as she tried to get under her skin. She ignored them as if they were invisible which made them annoyed.

"Hey, look! He's right over there with a pretty girl." Her friend pointed at the table where Lelouch and Shirley sat together, talking.

"Wow, she's cute. They would make a cute couple! Oh, wait, he's already taken." They all laughed hysterically and continued gossiping loudly. C.C. rolled her eyes, knowing that they were purposefully trying to make her feel jealous.

"Excuse me. If you're not coming here to order, please get out." The waitress who listened to them quietly behind the counter got annoyed and asked them to leave which makes the ladies scoff in disbelief and stomped off.

"Thanks." C.C. thanked her which she return it with a brief smile and then continued doing her work.

"They are not wrong though..."

C.C. was not flinched by a sudden voice appearing beside her. She did not even want to waste a glance at a stranger beside her, but the guy continued talking to her. "They belong together. You should back away before you get hurt," said him with a raspy voice.

She tried to ignore him as she did to the ladies, but something in his way of speaking catch her attention. She tried to recall if she have ever encountered this guy before, but the guy beside her wore a huge black hat that covers his face which makes it harder for her to see his face.

"Terrible things will happen when you interfere with human fate." With that last remark, the guy started to walk away but she quickly caught his sleeve and removed his hat to see his face. As soon as she saw his face, all the colors drained out from her. She could not utter a single word and her hands were trembling badly.

"I'm only here to give you a warning." The guy put on the hat and tilted his head before disappearing.

C.C. was frozen in shock after he vanished before her eyes. She spun around, looking at everyone else in the cafe, they did not see him vanishing in front of her which means only she can see and hear him. She shivered violently as her heart beatings fast.

She flinched when a hand suddenly grabbed her arm, she quickly pulled her arm away from his grip with a force. She was so scared of facing him again. Her mind was messing with her and she cannot hear any sound, only echoes. She winced when she felt her forehead burning up at the Geass symbol.


After they have finished their food, coffees, and conversation, Lelouch decided to send her off to the train station by himself before it got dark since there was no sign of C.C. He assumed that she had neglected them when they were at the cafe, which was typical of her.

They exited the cafe after he paid the bills, and he looked around abruptly searching for a green hair girl which belong to his wife who has been missing in action for some time. "There she is," Shirley pointed in her direction, where he saw her standing alone in the crowd. Strange.

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