Alter Ego 1

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"She's gone?"

Sebastian was startled to hear the sudden news.

Lelouch went straight to Sebastian's after he received C.C.'s note. They talked privately in the garage.

"How did it happen? She's clever enough not to get caught that easily."

"She did that to save me!" Lelouch bursts out in rage.

"I made her wait at the lobby and split up, just to get this goddamn phone! If I had known this will happen, I'll never let her out of my sight!"

Sebastian crossed his arm calmly,  "It's not your fault, Lelouch."

"No. It's not mine...but his!" He recalled the guy's face that trying to shoot him earlier. "I'm going to kill all of them if they lay a finger on her." He clenched his jaw and fists tightly.

"Who are they?" Sebastian looked at him, confused. He did not have a single clue what happened at the fruit store a few days ago since they did not have time to tell him.

Lelouch took a deep breath and summarizes everything that happened a few days ago in the shortest and simplest way to Sebastian. After he finished, Sebastian placed his fingers on his temples. "After all that time, you decide to tell me these now?"

Lelouch shrugged his shoulders, disregarding his question.

Sebastian walked around the garage searching for something while talking to him. "I've heard about this thief gang, but never knew they were still active until today. I should have warned you earlier about them."

Lelouch grunted in frustration while listening to him

"So, what do you want me to do, prince?" Sebastian held out a rifle abruptly with a serious look. Ready to take orders from his prince and went into the war.

Lelouch was not fazed by the rifle and walked slowly toward him in his superior demeanor similar to when he was Zero. Only in this case, it was him, not his alter ego. "At ease. Sebastian, you're not going into this war nor fighting beside me this time. I don't want you to risk your life for me too. You have a family now. You should protect them. But"

"I need your help as a friend to keep Martha and Ken safe on our behalf since C.C. and I are going to be busy for a while, can you do that?" Lelouch looked at him seriously. Although his voice was cold, there is a hint of warmth in his eyes.

Sebastian fell silent for a second, 'Is this the same person that was once a rebellious and ruthless, Zero?'

He watched him and a proud smile slowly crept up to his lips. 'He did it. He has outgrown his alter ego.'

"It would be my pleasure. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask me." He patted the boy's shoulder proudly. 

Lelouch nodded, "There is one thing that still lingering in my head."

Sebastian listened to him attentively.

Lelouch walked around the garage with a finger tapping on his chin as he usually did when he was thinking. "Strange. The guy knows exactly where the couple's ward room is without breaching the system...which means there was an information leak from an insider at the hospital and she or he might be working for them. So, I want you to look for the insider and report to me right away."

Sebastian grinned, "Leave that to me." Lelouch nodded, feeling a bit calm as he has a trusted ally to count on.

"Well, since you going to do this alone. I suggest you take this with you." Sebastian handed him black luggage which was filled with firearms, smoke bombs, and sleeping guns.

Lelouch scoffed at him in disbelief and nodded, "Thanks."

"You're welcome. So, what is your plan?"

"Investigate the first crime scene, and find the clues which led to C.C." Lelouch sums it up with determination in his eyes.

"Alright. Be careful and don't do anything stupid," said Sebastian.

Lelouch turned to him in confusion. "You're saying the exact thing she wrote to me. What make you guys think that I would do that?" Asked him offended.

"Well, you do intend to be reckless and make rush decisions when you think someone kidnaps her," said Sebastian carefully not to offend him.

"I never did!" He denied it quickly.

"Well, since she said it too. That means she knows you better than yourself as I do," added Sebastian with a chuckle.

Lelouch rolled his eyes in annoyance and took the bag immediately to execute his first plan. Investigate the first crime scene. The fruit store.

He stared at his ring for a while and sighed. "Be careful, C.C."

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