Too Late

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The whole building was lit on fire as the ceiling slowly melted and collapsed to the ground. Lelouch ignored the increasing heat as he tried to break the last chain on her using a sharp tool in his hands. "Come on!" He swung the tool with all his strength and the chain finally broke. He grinned briefly, then noticed her body moving and quickly caught her before she fell and hit the floor. He held her firmly in his arms and brushed her hair off her face with a worried look. Her face was colourless and her eyes were firmly shut. "C.C.!" He slapped her cheeks softly, "Please, open your eyes! I'm here." He stared at her anxiously, as she did not respond.

His eyes widened in alarm when the building started to tremble violently, and stood up quickly, "Let's get out of here." He took off his coat immediately and wrapped it around her as he carried her in his arms. He needs to find a way out immediately before the whole building collapses on them but he could not recognize the exit as the corridors were destroyed by the fire. He tried to recall other exits when C.C. suddenly tugged on his shirt. His eyes widened in surprise, "C.C.! Oh, thank god, you're okay!" He exhaled in relief.

"...The the basement," said her faintly. Lelouch eyes furrowed in confusion, C.C. quickly told him about Ken's daughter and they went straight to the basement room to save her. Lelouch saw a girl faint inside a cage and quickly saved her. C.C. stood weakly in front of him as he carried the little girl in his arms. "Are you sure you can walk on your own, C.C.?" He looked at her in concern. She nodded slowly, "Yes. Now, follow close to me. I know the exit. The building is going to collapse soon." She led the way through the burning corridors in a hurry as the building started to crumble.

They finally saw an exit door and ran towards it. They barely escaped before the building exploded and blew them all away into the forest. As they tumbled to the ground, Lelouch protected the girl in his arms from the falling impact while C.C. landed somewhere else. He was making sure the girl was fine when he noticed C.C.'s stiff body on the grass, he rushed to her in panic. He embraced her close to him and noticed that she was not breathing as her eyelids were tightly closed. He immediately searched for her pulse but there was nothing and her skin was cold as ice. "It's okay," said him quietly as his face grew pale. He shook his head abruptly, "It's okay. She just needs time to heal herself and she'll wake up any moment now." He reassured himself over and over again while waiting for her to wake up.

"It's too late. She won't wake up. The poison has taken over her body. She cannot heal herself." Lelouch turned abruptly toward the voice and saw a little boy standing beside them, staring at her.

"That's right. She's gone." A shadow man suddenly appeared in front of him. There was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Lelouch shook his head in denial, "No. She's not! She's immortal. She cannot die."

The shadow man stood sternly in front of him, "Face it. You finally can see us which means you have become the new keeper of the Geass. Replacing her," said him coldly while pointing at her.

Lelouch glared at him furiously, "She was just talking to me inside the building and showing me the way out. There's no way she could suddenly die!" He clenched his fist tightly.

"T-that was me," the boy held his hand high.

"...What?" Lelouch looked at him in utter confusion.

"I entered her body and controlled it as she asked me to. She told me that if she didn't make it, I should bring her body to you and save that little girl," told him slowly as he saw his face changing.

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