Never Give up

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You witch! How dare you come here and ruined our village! We should burn you to death, witch!!

"N-no. I-It was an accident! I didn't mean it to happen. Please, spare me."

No, we should never let you escape. Wherever you go, you bring disasters with you! BURN HER NOW!!

" No! Please!"


"...C.C.! Wake up!"

"No!!" Lelouch caught her hands firmly before she could attack him due to her nightmare. She opened her eyes in terror and sat up abruptly. I'm dreaming? It's just a dream!

She let out a relieved sigh and breathes in deeply to calm her heartbeat down.

Lelouch didn't let go of her hands as he waited for her to calm down. "C.C..." 

He was jerked awake at 3 in the morning when he heard her screaming. He tried to wake her up but it was difficult as her hands swung violently in the air, which could have hit him if he did not react quickly.

"Do you want to talk to me about it?" He gave her a glass of water. She quickly grabs it and drinks it.

"I-I don't..." she stuttered, breathless.

He shook his head slowly with a disappointed sigh and stood up, "Okay, fine." What's the point? She always keeps everything to herself, no one can open her up. Not even me.

He stopped on his track when he felt his shirt being tugged, and turned to see her. She didn't look at him but her hand still held onto his shirt. "I don't know talk about it, Lelouch."

"No one ever asks me..." she chuckled.

He frowned and quickly sat beside her, "Do not compare me with them. I care about you, C.C."

She laughed half-heartedly without sparing him a glance. "I'm serious." He pulled up her chin to meet her eyes. They were locking gazes for a few seconds. Then, she nodded slowly after she was convinced that he means it.

"I think all the bad things that happened today are because of me. I tend to put everyone, especially people that I care in danger... I thought that if I forget what I am for once, I could live peacefully among humans. But, today incidents make me realize that I cannot change what I am. The fact that I am a witch and my presence solely could put curses on everyone else, unintentionally." She covered her face with her hands in guilty.

Lelouch took a deep breathe while putting down the glass carefully on the floor. "So, what?"

"Even a witch was once a human. You have feelings and those feelings change you, but not change what you are, rather who you want to be." He grasped her hands gently.

She looked at him, confused. Then, he smiles genuinely, "You're a good witch now."

A smile slowly crept on her corner lips as he made her speechless.

"And C.C., do I need to remind you that your 'curses' only affected me, the one who sign the contract with you? It never affects people outside the contract. The misfortune that happened to them was due to their own actions." He stated the truth to assure her.

She nodded quickly, "I know. It's just... I can't help but feel guilty towards Ken and Martha."

He held her hands firmly, "Out of everything that Ken has told me. You're the one who saved their life. Who knows what might happen to them, if you didn't visit them at that time? Yes, they were hurt, but they're still alive. Thanks to you." He tucked her hair behind her ear gently and wiped off the tears from her cheek with his thumb softly.

Lelouch quickly pulled her into a warm hug as she cried softly on his shoulder. This is the first time he saw her vulnerable side. She always keeps a strong, cold, and heartless demeanor but once she cares, she will easily get hurt. He embraced her tightly without a word.

After a few minutes, she finally spoke, "Lelouch, there's something else I have to tell you."

"Yes?" He let go of her as she has stopped crying and brushed off her bangs to the side gently to see her whole face.

"Someone wants to kill you." She gave him a serious look. No signs of sadness and vulnerable on her face anymore. Well, that escalated fast, thought him unsurprised.

She straightened her posture in front of him, returning to her usual demeanor and he have to admit, he likes it. He hates when he sees her sad and weak. It's like breaking down half-part of him.

"Is it the shadow guy?" He sighed exasperatedly. He was not surprised by this kind of threat anymore. In fact, he is used to it by now. 

"No. He only came to give me the warnings."

He sat in silence for a while, lost in his thought.

"Are you changing your mind?" She stared at him, curiously.

"About what?"

"Our contract and... our marriage."

He turned abruptly, facing her in shock. "No. Why would I? Wait- you think that I would have second thoughts about us?! Unbelievable-"

He could have been ranting for another hour, if not for the interruption when C.C. suddenly threw herself at him causing both of them to lie back on the bed as she embraced him tightly.

She smiled broadly and pecked him with a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, honey." They locked their gazes in silence.

He smiled in relief while stroking her hair softly as she slowly fell asleep beside him. He yawned.

Before he went back to sleep, he pulled the blanket to cover up her body and kissed her forehead. "I won't give you up for anything, remember that."

She smiled softly.

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