Surprise Visit 2

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"Dear, please wake up. You need to see all these beautiful fruits they bought." Ken ate the fruit slices while sitting on the chair beside his wife's bed.

"Your favorite, strawberry..." He stared at his wife's stiff body in sadness. He held her hands and closed his eyes tightly, praying desperately for a miracle to wake her up.

"That is so touching."

Ken jumped and turned abruptly toward the voice where he saw a man in a black suit with glasses standing in front of the door, crossing his arms. The guy observed the room in silence while Ken stood on defense immediately. He did not see or hear him coming through that door. In fact, the door was not even open when he entered. 'How did he get inside?'

"Say, do my guy reach you yesterday?" He walked calmly toward them. He had nice slick black hair that reveal his emotionless face. He also had a cold and intimidating yet calm presence. Although he dressed like a clean and normal businessman, Ken knew exactly who he is. He is Jay, the right hand of the thief gang who always plotting and doing dirty work for their goals. That's why he always wears those gloves.

Ken did not answer him.

"Who was helping you yesterday? Speak." His voice turns dark as his patience was running thin.

"I don't know what you're talking about," replied Ken firmly.

"You know exactly what I'm saying. Well, I wonder who gave this to you." The guy grabbed the fruit basket and threw it to the floor violently when there was no name on it. Useless.

"Stop! I told your guy that I won't sign the contract and you're not gonna make me change my mind. So, leave. Now!" Ken shouted impatiently when he saw all the free fruits scattered on the floor.

Jay stood calmly, ignoring the old man's outbursts. "I didn't come here for that matter. I just want to know who kill my guy." He stared at him intensely through his glasses.

Ken's eyes widened in shock as he fell silent. "W-what?"

"Yes. He's dead. Missing. Whatever." His dark and cold voice filled the space.

Ken froze as he tried to remember what happened yesterday. Yesterday, he did hear a gunshot but there was no sign of casualty.

"Honestly, I don't care if he's dead or not..." said him bluntly without any sign of emotion. "But if there is a threat among you guys. I will not hesitate to kill it. So, I ask again and don't make me repeat. Who was helping you?"

Ken clenched his fists tightly, not giving him any answer.

"Very well." The guy nodded slowly and took off one of his gloves while walking towards Martha's bed. "You know what will happen if I touch this?" He lay a finger at the flowers beside her bed and suddenly it vanish in the thin air.

His eyes widened in terror as his hands trembled. 'H-How did he do that?!'

Before he could react, the guy swiftly moved his bare hand, targeting his wife's throat. Ken moved quickly to stop him but he is too slow, he would not make it in time before he touches her and make her disappear like those flowers. "No!!!"

Suddenly, a strong hand grabbed the guy's sleeve firmly before he could touch her and shoved him hard, causing him to stumble a few steps back unexpectedly.

The guy was taken aback and turned quickly to look at the interrupter and saw a young man with intense violet eyes looking at him.

Lelouch stood firmly in front of Martha's bed with tight fists. His eyebrows furrowed furiously and glared intensely at him. "Who the hell are you?!"

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