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After 6 hours of non-stop torturing and electric shocking, Jay stood impatiently in front of her, "I'm impressed that you could hold long enough without your healing power. Still no answer?" He watched as her head dropped to her shoulders, she had no energy left to talk to him as she tried to hold the pain for a bit longer. Her face was drenched with sweat as her skin started to blister and damage 5 hours ago. She could feel all her internal tissues and organs burned to a crisp since she could not heal them without her power.

It was impossible for her to hold the pain anymore as her body ached all over when the wind touched her skin. Even breathing felt very painful to her as she suffered a sharp pain in her chest every time she tried to breathe. This is the first time she ever felt real pain and hopelessness after she met Lelouch. All this time, she depended on her power to be strong made her forget what pain was until today as it came rushing at her all at once. She panted slowly as she was staring at the ground, hopeless. Her eyelids slowly dropped as she could not hold them any longer.

Suddenly, the tears fell down her cheeks as she felt like she was going to fall into the darkness again and trapped there forever. She hates how these feelings make her feel.





Lelouch promised her that he would never let the same thing happen to her again, was it just a lie? She cried softly as she was afraid to close her eyes and never see the light again. Never see him again. Suddenly, a light cold wind touched her hand and she saw the little ghost's face staring at her in shock. "Tears... This is my first time witnessing it. They said emotions make you weak," said him. C.C. let out a chuckle at his blunt statement. 'He's right. Emotions do make her weak since she is trapped here because she blindly follows her emotions. But it was also the main key to her happiness.'

Without emotions, how can she feel happy to be with him or make herself happy? Without it, it was the same as in trapped in the darkness over and over again. Without it, it was the same as dying. She cherishes her emotions and she will not blame herself for following her- "Heart?" The boy looked at her curiously with wide eyes. C.C. nodded slowly with a faint smile, 'Yes. My heart.'

Her heart lies within him. Even if she is gone today, her heart will still be beating, alive with him. She realized now, how much she loved him and that she never told him directly the three magic words. 'If you can hear me now, Lelouch. I just wanted to say ..."I love you..." Her eyes shut abruptly.

A man in charge noticed her stiff body and alerted his boss, "Boss, I think we lost her." Jay quickly walked to her and checked for her pulse. "You're right. She's gone." He walked across the room calmly and went to the shelf, "If she holds up for 5 more minutes. I would've injected her with this antidote to heal her body." He showed a blue needle in his hand. "Too bad, it cannot revive her." He put down the needle on the table and the little ghost saw it.

All of a sudden, loud thuds and gunshots echoed from the other side of the room. Jay groaned in frustration, "What's going on out there?!" Before he could turn the doorknob to see what happened outside, the door fell to the ground abruptly. He moved away immediately from being crushed under the door, and his eyes widened in fury when he saw his men standing in front of the broken door. "What the hell are you guys doing?!! You broke the damn door!"

All of his men stood there in silence without replying or blinking at him. "Are you deaf?! Answer me!" He yelled again but no one responded to him. Then, suddenly they all pointed their guns toward each other's heads and pulled off the trigger as loud bangs echoed inside the building and blood splattered everywhere. His eyes widened in shock as he quickly took out his gun in reflexes. "What the hell?!!" He pointed the gun mindlessly as he was shocked by a sudden bloodbath in front of him.

"She's dead. How come this happened?!" exclaimed him at his man in the lab. The man behind him shaking terribly, "I-I don't know..!"

Lelouch appeared abruptly standing behind his men in a black leather coat as they all collapsed on the floor, dead. His eyes were both red as he stared at him furiously. "You- You're the guy at the hospital!" Jay looked at him in surprise. He noticed that his facial changed when he saw the witch behind him unconscious and scoffed, "You know her? What a coincidence." He grinned.

Lelouch clenched his fists tightly, "How dare you hurt her!" His eyes glowed in red violently and suddenly a man in the lab attacked Jay from behind and he pushed him to the ground hard. Jay was caught off guard and grunted in anger as his head was pressed to the floor all of a sudden. He removed his gloves abruptly and grabbed his arm. The man in a lab coat screamed in agony as his body slowly disappeared after he touched him.

"So, you can control people's minds. Interesting. I always knew there was something off about you when we first met. You're too good to be a normal villager," said him with a grin as he vanished into the air.

Lelouch spun around, searching for him but he was nowhere to be found and the guy laughed loudly, "You can't see me." Lelouch groaned in annoyance. He moved closer to C.C. and heard her whisper to him, "Listen carefully..." Lelouch sighed in relief after hearing her voice and nodded. He calmed his mind and used his sharp listening to detect him.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of a clicking gun from behind him and quickly jumped to the side. It was an incredibly closed shot but he managed to avoid it. The guy grunted in anger and targeted him multiple times but none of it hit him. Suddenly, the room became quiet, the whole space filled with void as no more sound of the clicking gun or footsteps could be heard.

Lelouch examined the room carefully and his eyes widened in alarm when he felt an arm wrapped around his neck unexpectedly, choking him. "You're finished." A voice appeared behind him.

Lelouch swung his head abruptly and hit his nose hard as he screamed in pain. "That's it!" Jay appeared in front of him again with a bloody nose and pointed the gun to his head while Lelouch standing in front of C.C. arms opened, protecting her. Before he could pull the trigger, his cell phone rang again in the middle of the fight. He sighed exasperatedly and quickly read the message from his phone. A grin slowly crept across his face.

He sighed happily, "Looks like I don't need you anymore. I've found the key and all the gold will be mine." He pointed the gun at her but Lelouch quickly blocked it with his body. "As you wish." He grinned broadly and pulled the trigger at him without hesitation but nothing happened. He tried it again and again in frustration and smashed the gun on the ground violently as the bullets were empty.

"You're in luck again, but not this time." He showed the remote in his hand and pressed it. Lelouch furrowed his eyebrows and suddenly a whole building trembled as the bombs exploded inside the walls. Lelouch looked at him suspiciously, "You already planned to bomb this place and keep all the gold to yourself. Doesn't it?"

The guy laughed loudly, "You figured. That is always my plan from the first day and you make it easier for me by killing those guys." He grinned at him. Lelouch clenched his teeth in anger. He thought his plan to kill those guys would put him in a weak spot but it backfired.

The fire spread immediately to the whole building and demolished everything. "Well, enjoy the fireworks," he bowed down with a smile and disappeared abruptly in the thin air.

Lelouch exhaled sharply as he saw the fire getting closer and bigger, "Damn it!" He quickly turned at her and tried everything to free her from the chair but it took a while to do so as the chains were hard to break.

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