Gone 2

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At the thief's lair, Jay glanced at his watch and grunted in annoyance. He was expecting a bag of the girl's head in front of his office by this morning, but there was no bag when he arrived. "Do I have to do all the things myself?!" exclaimed him.

He quickly went to the basement room where he asked his men to chop her head off and bring it to him yesterday. He swung the door open and was startled to see all of their bodies lying on the floor, lifeless. He checked on their pulse but they were completely dead. "Strange. There's no sign of struggling or fighting." Then, he noticed the girl's body had gone and his eyes widened in realization, "Witch!"

He dashed towards the surveillance room and ordered his men to look for the girl in yesterday's tape. He quickly caught a slight movement in the shadow from the basement room and searched for her in another tape but she was nowhere to be found, "She's very good at hiding. Damn it!"

He must find her immediately and to do so, he needs to know where she might be. If she was hiding from them, then he must lure her out. Suddenly, an idea struck him as he saw Ken's daughter on the screen, "That's it! We use that girl as a trap."


C.C. finally found the place where they detained that little girl, and before she could enter the room, she heard a small voice whispering to her, "Don't enter the room..."

She spun around in alarm and found an empty wall behind her, she shrugged it off and quietly entered the room while looking around carefully. She saw the girl inside the room but there was no one guarding it. She stopped abruptly, following her instincts as she sensed something odd, 'It's a trap.'

"You can come out now. I know it's a trap." She scanned the room quietly and felt a sudden hand grab her arm. She quickly turned and twisted one of the guy's arms in defense. The guy groaned in pain as his arm was dislocated. She stood in a defensive stance and was ready to attack anyone who dared touch her.

Suddenly, two guys appeared out of the dark and charged at her. She finished them immediately by attacking the vital points of their bodies without killing them instantly. She noticed that they did not use a gun to shoot her down, they must have known who she was. Since they already knew, she decided to finish all of them at once with her power as her eyes started to glow red.

"Stop or I'll shoot her." Jay grabbed the little girl firmly with a gun pointed at her head. The girl cried in silence as she was trembling in terror.

C.C. saw her face and quickly withdrew her power. "Let her go." She stared at the little girl in worried and back at him.

He shook his head slowly, "You're coming with me and I won't hurt her." He tilted his head at his guy to tie her hands as she let them do it with a grunt, "Fine."

After her hands were completely tied up, he let go of the child and pushed her back into the cage. The girl curled up in fear while C.C. gave her a reassuring smile before they took her away.

They all circled up around her as they walked across the corridors and she rolled her eyes in bored. After a while, they stopped in front of a huge office door and Jay ordered his men to guard the door outside while he pulled her with him into the office. She shoved his hand in annoyance.

Once they entered, his boss glanced up at them in surprise, "Why is she here?"

She looked at his boss with furrowed eyebrows, 'Wait, he doesn't want to see me? Then, why am I here?' Then, she noticed a gun in his hand beside her.

"She's here to kill you..." Jay shot him multiple times with a blank face as his boss collapsed on the floor, dead. She was startled by the sudden incident in front of her and looked at him in shock, "You! This is your plan all along."

He walked over his dead body calmly, "Of course. Why serve the boss when I can be one...and you make a good spacegoat." He pointed a gun at her and shot her with a strong anesthetic drug. She collapsed on the floor in a flash as her body suddenly became numb and unable to move. Her vision slowly turned into darkness and fell unconscious.

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