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It was very late at night, in Little Hangleton.
An old man, whose name was Frank Bryce, was in his kitchen, preparing some tea.

He lived alone in a small house near a large mansion, where he used to work as a gardener, before the death of the owners.

It was property of the late Riddle Family, who had passed away many, many years ago.

He looked out of the window.
It was very dark outside.

The only thing he could see was the mansion. Then, his eyes fell on one if the windows on the upper floor.

The lights were turned on.

He remembered perfectly that the mansion was abandoned.

No one had lived there for decades, yet the lights were on.

He decided to go and have a look.

He put on a jacket, and then grabbed a copy of the keys, before heading outside.

The cold breeze instantly hit his face.
He walked towards the mansion, ignoring the cold air that was freezing him to the bones.

The building wasn't like it used to be back when the Riddles were still alive.

Now, the grass had grown taller and untamed and the walls were all surrounded by vines, but Frank still menaged to make his way inside from the backdoor.

He looked around.
A thick layer of dust covered the floor and the furniture.

But the mansion had been closed for many years, so it was absolutely normal.

He climbed the stairway, and made his way to the upper floor.

There, he got in front of a room.

The door was slightly open, and a little bit of light filtrated through the small gap.

He could hear people talking, inside the room, and that small gap was enough for him to peek inside.

Fat Man: But... If only we could use... Someone else, rather than the boys, my lord-
A short, fat man squeaked.

Man: No, we can't!
Another one hissed in a cold and raged tone.

No matter how much Frank tried to search for him with his gaze, he just couldn't see him.

Frank: He's probably on the couch...
He thought.

He could see the panic all over the fat man's face.

Fat Man: But my Lord! You don't know what Y/N is capable of! He isn't like his twin! He's way too strong!
He squeaked again.

Frank looked at him.
Frank: Y/N? Who are they talking about? And who are these punks?
He thought.

Man: That's why I need your help. First we'll get rid of Y/N. Then, I'll take care of Harry, and my victory will be secured!
The man hissed again.

Man 2: Yes, My Lord.
Another man, said.

Frank paled.
Frank: These punks... They're plotting to kill this Y/N... Whoever he is...
He thought.

But in that exact moment, a huge snake appeared out of nowhere, sliding on the floor, and entering the room.

Frank heard one of them produce some hisses.

He desperately wanted to leave, but he was frozen in fear.

Man: Nagini brings news... Looks like there's an old muggle just behind that door.
He said.

Frank heard some footsteps.
And then, the door opened.

It was too late to escape, now.

The fat man stood there, looking at him with a twisted smile.

Man: Move, Wormtail. I want to give our guest a Greeting.
He said.

The man known as Wormtail moved aside, and Frank could finally see who was in possession of such a creepy voice.

He tried to scream, but his voice never came out.

Green Light filled the whole room, engulfing him, and making him fall on the ground, all the life drained from his body, leaving him with just a terrified look on his face.

Many kilometers away from there, the boy known as Y/N had just woken up.
646 Words.

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