•The Pensieve•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
That night, Harry and Y/N were together with Hagrid, Ron and Hermione, the five of them walking in the forest.

Hagrid: I remember the day I met y'all. Biggest bunch of misfits I've ever set eyes on. And here we are, four years later, with Y/N 'bout to become the youngest Triwizard Champion!
He said, proudly.

But Y/N wasn't paying attention to what he was saying.

He was a little bit distant from the others, walking on his own.

That until his scar started to itch a little, just as he turned around a tree.

That's when he suddenly stopped, frozen in horror.

Laying on the ground, right in front of him, was Barty Crouch himself, with an expression of pure terror spread all over his face.

Y/N: Mr Crouch...?
Y/N muttered, reaching towards his hand.

It was as cold as ice.

That's when he realized he wasn't even breathing or moving.

Y/N got up, terrified, as he started to slowly back away.

Y/N: H-He's... Dead.
He thought, as he immediately ran away, ignoring Harry and the others calling our his name.

He reached the castle a little while later, and headed straight to Dumbledore's office.

He was about to knock on the door, when it suddenly opened, revealing Mad-Eye Moody staring right at him.

Dumbledore smiled at him.
Dumbledore: Oh, Y/N. Nice to see you.
He said.

Y/N started to panic.

Y/N: Professor, the forest... And then behind-
He started, speaking frantically. Dumbledore, however, stopped him.

Dumbledore: Calm down, Y/N. Alastor, you can go.
He said.

Moody left without saying a word, eyeing Y/N suspiciously.

Dumbledore motioned for Y/N to follow him inside.

Then, after sitting behind his desk, he looked at Y/N once more.

Dumbledore: Now, what did you want to tell me, Y/N?
He asked.

Y/N took a deep breath, as Crouch's dead body flashed in front of his eyes.

Y/N: I-I just found Mr Crouch in the forest... Dead.
He said, shivering a little.

Dumbledore: I see... You must be a little shaken after seeing that. But worry not. Alastor was telling me about it just a few minutes ago. He offered to take care of it.
He said.

Y/N blinked a few times.
Y/N: But... Do you... Trust him?
He asked.

Dumbledore smiled.
Dumbledore: Yes, Y/N.
He said.

Y/N: But... Don't you find it suspicious? How did he know about Mr Crouch? We were walking in the forest with Hagrid, but we never saw him enter the forest, nor leaving it.
He said.

Dumbledore: I know that sometimes professor Moody can be... Odd at times. But there's nothing to worry, trust me. I wouldn't have hired him, if I didn't trust him.
He said.

Y/N nodded.
Y/N: If you say so...
He said, still unconvinced.

That's when he noticed what looked like a stone barrel on the other side of the room.

He looked at it with curiosity.

Y/N: What is that, sir?
He asked.

Dumbledore smiled.
Dumbledore: That, Y/N, is a Pensieve. You know, sometimes I find my head flooded by thoughts, and it helps me clear it a little.
He said.

Y/N: So... It can show one's thoughts?
He asked, looking at it.

Dumbledore nodded.
He then smiled.

Dumbledore: You're a clever boy, Y/N.
575 words.

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