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Voldemort smiled.
Voldemort: My dear old friends! It's been 13 long years, since our last meeting, yet you all answered to my calling like it was yesterday.
He said.

No one did even dare to say a word.
Y/N could feel the tension in the air.

Voldemort then started pacing back and forth in the middle of the circle, looking at each one of them.

Voldemort: For 13 long years, I waited, for any of you to come, to search for me, but apparently... I wasn't as important as I thought?
He said, with cold fury in his voice.

Lucius: Master... If only I could have perceived something-
He tried to say, but Voldemort cut him off.

Voldemort: Oh, the something you were searching for was always right in front of your eyes, right under your nose, Lucius. But it's fine, Lucius, my old, slimy friend. Lord voldemort is Great. That is why, as for tonight, you are all forgiven.
He said.

Everyone thanked him, bowing deeply before him.

Y/N: Are you really speaking of yourself in third person? God, do you think you're inside some kind of book?
He suddenly said, unable to restrain himself.

Voldemort slowly turned around to look at him, and everyone else soon did the same.

Voldemort: Oh, I had almost forgotten of our dear guest, here. Where are my manners?
He said, making the Death Eaters chuckle, as he walked towards Y/N.

Voldemort: You see, this boy, and his twin, were said to be the cause of my demise. Something indeed went wrong, that night, but just because I didn't know that in her last moments, the filthy mudblood that once was their mother, had used a protective charm on them. It was ancient magic, something one can't dispel easily. In fact... I couldn't touch them.
He said.

He then smiled.
Voldemort: But now it's different. Now, the same magic, is flowing in my veins. That's why I can touch him now!
He said, putting a finger on Y/N's scar.

Y/N screamed in pain, as Voldemort and the Death Eaters laughed at him.

It was as if his head was going to split in two. Blue particles started to surround Y/N's body, as Voldemort lifted his finger.

The pain was slowly going away, as he started breathing heavily.

Voldemort then looked at the Death Eaters.
Voldemort: It's now time to clear all your doubts. It's time to demonstrate you all how wrong you were. I will kill him here and now, and then, it will all be clear.
He said.

With a wave, the statue released Y/N, who fell in the ground.

Everyone made fun of him, as he slowly got back on his feet, staring right at Voldemort, anger flowing in his body.

Y/N raised his hand, and his wand flew in it.
Y/N: You're clearly underestimating me, shithead.
He said.

Everyone except Voldemort gasped in horror. Voldemort smirked.

Voldemort: You're brave Y/N, and Lord Voldemort likes bravery.
He said.

They both looked at each other.
Voldemort: Now, let's begin.
521 words.

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