•Rita Skeeter•

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Once he finally calmed down, Y/N walked back to the castle. He was about to go to the Common Room, when he bumped on Colin Creevey.

Colin: Oh! There you are, Y/N! I was just searching for you!
He said, smiling brightly.

Y/N: Before you even ask, no, I won't give you my autograph. Go ask Diggory.
He said.

Colin sighed.
Colin: I wasn't going to ask you one, Y/N. I was searching for you because you have to meet with the other Champions. I think they want to write an article about the tournament.
He said.

Y/N: Well, I actually preferred to give my autographs to everyone. This is going to be a nightmare.
He said, sighing, as he followed Colin, who led him in front of a classroom.

Colin: Good Luck, Y/N!
He said, running away.

Y/N took a deep breath, and got in. Inside, he found Krum, Fleur and Cedric, as well as a tall blonde woman, with a pair of bright red glasses and a notebook at hand.

There was also a man holding a camera, who took some photos of them, before going towards the window.

Rita: Hi, I'm Rita Skeeter, but I'm sure you already know me, don't you?
She said, smiling brightly, as she pinched Cedric's cheek.

Rita: Good, Good. How about we begin with the interview?
She said.

Her eyes fell on each one of them, and then fixed on Y/N.

Rita: Shall we start with the youngest one?
She asked.

The other three said nothing.

She smiled widely.
Rita: Perfect.
She said, dragging Y/N away.

He glanced at the other three, trying to seek help, but they didn't seem to notice him.

Y/N: Ugh, what a bunch of morons.
He thought, as she led him inside a broom cupboard.

It was a lot cramped in there, and Y/N didn't like how she was looking at him.

They sat down on two buckets, and she looked at him, smiling seductively, as she let the notebook levitate beside her.

Y/N looked at her.
Y/N: Ew.
Was all he thought, as she started talking.

Rita: So, here you are. The youngest Triwizard Champion, and I must say, the cutest one... How do you feel?
She asked.

Y/N raised a bow at the mention of the word "cute".

He scoffed.

Y/N: Tell me, how would you feel if you were risking your life? What do you expect me to say? Do you want me to tell you I'm scared? Because I'm not. I don't really care anymore.
He said sarcastically.

She chuckled a little.
Rita: Oh, don't be silly... You were aware of it, when you-
She was about to say, but he immediately cut her off.

Y/N: No. I didn't put my damn name inside that Goblet. This is the billionth time I explain it, but people still don't seem to get it. I don't really understand why you keep insisting. Do you really think a damn 14 year-old boy could bewitch such a powerful magical artifact?
He said, gritting his teeth.

He was starting to get annoyed.

Rita: I get it, I get it. Then tell me, how do you think your parents would react? Would they be happy? Would they be proud of you?
She asked.

Y/N: And how the hell am I supposed to know? They're dead. In case you're wondering, dead people can't talk.
He said bitterly.

That's when his eyes fell on the notebook.
He quickly grabbed it, and read a few sentences.

It still wasn't much, but it was enough to make his body boil with anger.

Y/N: This shit isn't even close to the truth! And my eyes aren't gleaming because of the phantoms of my past! What's that even supposed to mean, anyway?
He shouted angrily.

She chuckled a little in embarrassment.
Y/N didn't even take his wand out.
He didn't really need to.

The notebook was suddenly engulfed in bright blue flames, and turned to nothing but a pile of fuming ash, shocking her.

Y/N: This bullshit ends here.
He said fiercely, getting up, and shoving past her, as he left that cramped place as quickly as he could.

The other three were looking at him.
He felt a wave of disgust wash over him.
Y/N: You've finally realized I'm here? Well, thank you!
He thought sarcastically.

Y/N: What are you looking at?
He said fiercely, before leaving the room.

In the end, the next day, the article was published.

But if what Y/N had read was bad, now it was even worse.

Now people made fun of him because "his eyes gleamed because of the phantoms of his past", which wasn't even true.

Rita Skeeter had just achieved her objective. She had taken revenge on him by making him appear pathetic and violent.

And so, Y/N had started to become recluded.
He didn't talk to anyone anymore, not even to Hermione or Neville.

All he did was spend his time in the library, reading, studying, perfectioning his spell, or trying to learn new spells.

He felt as if he was back in his First Year, and Hermione was starting to feel really worried.

He had started to return to the common room really late at night, but surprisingly, in the morning, he was the first one to get up.

It was as if he didn't want anyone to see him.
He was scared that even the Gryffindors would make fun of him.

But even if he kept reassuring her that he was fine, he was just lying to himself.

He wasn't fine at all, and he knew that feeling way too well.
967 words.

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