•Mad-Eye Moody•

870 38 2

[Thought ]
[Spell ]
Y/N then got up, as the other three looked at him.

He didn't say a word, and left the Great Hall, heading straight to Moody's classroom.

Y/N: I need to go to the library as soon as possible... Maybe I can find a way to understand what that goddamn dream means... And I also have to start walking on the new spell...
He thought.

He let out a sigh, and laid against the wall.
Y/N: This won't do. I can't keep worrying about everything. I'm starting to become paranoid. And why in the world Remus hasn't answered yet? Damn, I did it again.
He thought, mentally facepalming.

Y/N: It's not like there's someone ready to jump on me the moment I turn around the corner. Calm the fuck down, Y/N.
He thought.

He didn't notice Harry walking towards him.

Harry: Uh... What are you doing?
He said, making Y/N jump in surprise.

Y/N: Don't sneak in me like that, Jesus.
He said, clutching his chest.

Harry: You look like shit.
He stated.

Y/N sighed.
Y/N: Well, thank you Harry.
He said sarcastically.

Harry put a hand on his shoulder.
Harry: Y/N, maybe you should tell Harmione and Ron about the dream too. Maybe you just need to talk about it. To get whatever is worrying you off your chest.
He said.

Y/N: No.
He said sternly.

Harry: Why do you have to be so stubborn? They can help! WE can help you, like we always did! You're gonna make it worse, if you keep al this for yourself!
He said.

Y/N sighed.
Y/N: There's no need to yell at me like that. I want to tell them, you know... But I want to hear what Remus thinks about this first...
He said slowly, looking away.

Harry: Will you really tell them, Y/N?
He said.

Y/N nodded.
Harry let out a sigh.

Harry: Alright, Alright. Let's go or we'll be late.
He said.

Y/N nodded, and together, they headed to Moody's Classroom.

They sat together at the front, as the room slowly filled up with students.

And then, Moody finally made his appearance too.

He took a piece of chalk, and headed towards the blackboard, writing on it.

Moody: Alastor Moody.
He said, ferociously writing on it.

Moody: Ex Auror, Ministry Malcontent and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me to. END OF STORY, GOOD BYE, THE END.
He said, making them all flinch.

They all looked at him.
Moody: When it comes to Dark Arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, who can tell me how many Unforgivable Curses there are?
He said.

Y/N's hand shot up in the air, even quicker than Hermione's.

Y/N: Three, sir.
He said, as Moody started to write on the board.

Moody: And they're so named?
He asked again.

Y/N: Because they're unforgivable.
Y/N said simply.

Everybody looked at Y/N.

Y/N: Performing one of these curses on a human being-
He was about to say, but Moody cut him off.

Moody: Will earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban.
He said.

Everyone fell silent.
Harry looked at Y/N with an encouraging smile.

Moody: Now, the Ministry said you shouldn't know about these spells, BUT I SAY DIFFERENT! You have to know what you're up against!
He said, as he started writing on the board again.

Moody: You have to be prepared!
He said, still writing.

Moody: You have to find a better place to hid your gum than under your desk, Finnigan!
He then roared.

Everyone turned around, looking at Seamus, who looked at them, his mouth agape in surprise.

He was exactly trying to hide his gum under his desk.

Seamus: The old geezer can see from the back of his head...
He said in surprise.

He shouted, turning around and tossing the chalk at Seamus, making them all laugh.
679 words.

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