•The Worst Curses•

902 41 1

[Thought ]
[Spell ]
Moody nodded, and then, headed back towards the desk, where he put his hand inside the jar again, and took out another spider.

He then turned around, facing them.

Moody: The Cruciatus Curse.
He said.

Moody: It needs to be bigger, for you to get the idea.
He added.

He then pointed his wand towards the spider.
Moody: Engorgio!
He said.

The spider started to swell in size, reaching the same height as a tarantula.

They all looked at the spider, anxious to know what was gonna happen next.

Moody: Crucio!
He said.

The spider began to roll on itself because of the pain.

Y/N looked at it, and then he desperately forced his eyes shut, as the spider's thoughts started to flood his mind.

It Hurts! It hurts so much! Please, kill me!

Y/N shivered.
He felt sick.

Y/N&Hermione: STOP IT!
They both yelled.

Everyone looked at them.
Moody lifted his wand, and the spider relaxed.

Hermione: Can't you see he doesn't feel good?
She asked.

Y/N looked at Neville.

He was really pale, and was shaking violently, his eyes widened and filled with horror.

Moody: Reducio.
He said, making the spider go back to its original form.

Moody then looked at them.

Moody: Pain. You don't need thumbs crews or knives to torture someone, if you can perform the Cruciatus Curse.
He said.

He then, pulled the last spider out from the jar.

Y/N looked at it, a strong sense of fear that didn't belong to him started to spread through his body.

And he didn't like that at all.

Moody's eyes then fell on Y/N.
Moody: Would you like to tell me the last one?
He muttered.

Y/N clenched his fists and shut his eyes, slowly shaking his head.

They all were surprised to see that.
That was the first time Y/N had refused to answer a question.

Moody: No?
He asked.

Again, Y/N shook his head.
Y/N: I'm sorry, I can't...
He said, almost whispering, as he started to shake lightly.

Moody nodded, and then pointed the wand at the spider.

Moody: Avada Kedavra!
He roared.

There was a flash of blinding green light, followed by a rushing sound, as if a vast, invisible something was soaring through the air.

And just like that, the spider fell on its back, unmarked, but unmistakably dead.

Y/N was shaking.

Y/N: I don't want to stay here any longer... That's the curse that killed mom and dad...
He thought.

Moody looked at them.
He could clearly see the shock in their faces.

Moody: Not nice, not pleasant. And there's no countercurse. No one ever menage to block it. Only two people, however, are known for having survived it.
He said, looking at the Twins.

Moody: And they're sitting right in front of me.
He said.

With that, Y/N couldn't hold back any longer, and then he started throwing up, shocking everyone.
500 words.

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