•Ready To Depart•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
Y/N, Harry and Ron had been woken up by Hermione.

The Twins were staying at the Burrow, since they had to go to the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasleys.

Harry: Hermione? When did you get here?
He asked groggily, while Y/N lazily rubbed his eyes.

Hermione: Just a few minutes ago. Now get up, or we'll be late.
She said, leaving the room.

They all got up, and dressed up.

Y/N's scar was itching a little.
He massaged it carelessly.

He had just woken up from a nightmare.
Y/N: Was that really a dream? It looked so real... As if I was there too...
He thought, as he got downstairs, and grabbed the toast Mrs Weasley was giving him.

He couldn't remember the dream pretty well, but he could perfectly remember something in particular.

Someone was plotting to kill him, and then, kill Harry.

He followed Mr Weasley and the others outside. He had just decided not to tell anyone but Harry about the dream. He didn't want to worry Ron and Hermione.

It had been quite a funny and productive summer.

Thanks to Fred and George's help, Y/N menaged to find a way to practice magic without getting in trouble.

And so, he menaged to create one more spell, Interitus Maxima, which was a more powerful version of his previous spell, Interitus.

They climbed a small hill, and Y/N's stomach lurched.

In front of them stood no one but Cedric Diggory and his father, Amos Diggory.

Only God knew how much Y/N hated him.

Amos: Are they all yours, Arthur?
He asked, smiling.

Mr Weasley: Oh, no. Only the red-haired ones. The other three are Ron's friends. Hermione Granger and Harry and Y/N Potter.
He said, introducing them.

Cedric glanced at Y/N, who didn't even bother to look at him.

Amos looked at the Twins.
A wide smile spread all over his face.

Amos: Well, it's nice to meet you. I know my Ced has beaten you, last year. Can you believe it? I told him that this was one of the things he would've surely told to his sons. He has beaten Harry Potter! I hope you won't mind, will you?
He said, looking at Harry, who didn't say a thing.

He smiled nervously.
Y/N glared at him.

Cedric was quite embarrassed.
Cedric: Dad... Harry fell of his broom.
He pointed out.

Amos waved his hand nonchalantly.
Amos: Oh, it's just normal. One remains on the broom, while one falls off of it.
He said a bit too enthusiastically.

Y/N: Please, let's get a move on, before I throw him off this hill.
He muttered darkly.

Fred and the others tried their best not to laugh.

Once they reached the top of the hill, they stopped.

On the ground, just in front of them, was an old boot.

Mr Weasley checked his watch.
Mr Weasley: We're just in time. Everyone, touch that boot.
He said.

They all touched it.

Soon after, everything around them began to spin.

It was one of the most awful things Y/N had ever experienced.

And then, after a few more seconds of vorticating, they all fell on the ground.

Y/N: Ow.
He said, as Harry fell on top of him.

They bid goodbye to Cedric and his father - everyone except for Y/N - and then, they looked at Mr Weasley.

Mr Weasley: Follow me.
He said, leading the way.

Y/N looked around, and couldn't help but smile.

There were lots and lots of tents, and many people around, chatting, discussing, kids playing together.

It was just beautiful.

Then, they got inside a small tent that belonged to Mr Weasley, and Y/N's jaw dropped.
631 words.

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