•The Fourth•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
Y/N walked through the door, and then, he just stood there, staring into nothingness, as his brain still tried to process what had just happened.

But he still couldn't understand a single thing. That's when it hit him.

Y/N: Oh, right... They want me dead.
He thought bitterly.

Then, Harry and Ron's faces flashed in front of his eyes.

Y/N: Why did they look so hurt?
He thought.

Then, he heard some voices, and Dumbledore suddenly busted in, followed by the others.

He headed straight towards Y/N, and grabbed him by his shoulders, making him flinch.

Dumbledore: Y/N, have you put your name in the Goblet?
He asked.

Y/N: No.
He said firmly.

Dumbledore: Did you ask an older student to do it for you?
He asked.

Y/N: No, sir.
He said, getting irritated by each second.

Dumbledore: Are you absolutely sure about it?
He asked for the third time, but Y/N had got enough of those questions already.

He shouted.

They all looked at Crouch.
Dumbledore: I rely on you, Barty.
He said.

Crouch: The rules are clear. No one can retire, once the Goblet has chosen them. The contract is binding. As for tonight, Mr Potter is a Triwizard Champion.
He said.

Madame Maxime and Karkaroff protested, but Y/N cut them off.

Y/N: I refuse this. You can't be serious! I didn't even want to participate in the first place! You can't force me to do this.
He said.

Crouch: Unfortunately, Mr Potter, I am truly serious about this. This isn't about forcing you to participate or anything either. If you were to retire, the consequences for your actions would be catastrophic to say the least.
He said.

Y/N gritted his teeth.

He was about to protest, but Dumbledore raised a hand, shutting them all up.

Dumbledore: We do not know how the situation arose. However, we have no choice but accept it. Cedric and Y/N have been chosen to participate, and they will.
He said.

No one said a word, but it was as clear as day that neither Madame Maxime, nor Karkaroff were ok with that.

And how could they blame them?

Dumbledore: Shall we give them the instructions, Barty?
He asked.

Crouch nodded.
Crouch: The First Task will test your daring. However, we are not going to tell what it is.

Courage to face the unknown is an important quality for a wizard. It will take place on November 24th, in front of all the other students and the judges.

The Champions are not allowed to seek help of any kind from their teachers. They will face the Task with their wands only.

You will receive instructions on the Second Task once you pass the first, and you will be esented from the exams.
He said.

With that, Y/N and Cedric were finally allowed to leave.

They didn't say a word to each other, mostly because Y/N thought there was no reason to talk, and he wasn't really in the mood to talk at that moment.

The only thing he wanted to do was to go to sleep, and just forget about all that situation for the time being.

He and Cedric parted ways, and he headed to the Common Room.

However, when he got inside, he immediately wished he had gone to the Library instead.
574 words.

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