•Solving The Riddle•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
Some days went by, since the Yule Ball.
It had been an eventful night, Y/N couldn't deny that.

However, he wanted to forget it with all his might.

After chatting a little with Hermione after  the ball, he couldn't help but agree with her.

He had exaggerated a little, and maybe he had hurt Lavender, but being the emotionless brat he was, he refused to go and apologize, despite Hermione almost dragging him by force.

Harry and Ron tried their best not to laugh at him for his reaction to Lavender's kiss, but he just ignored them.

To forget about that night, he had started to spend more time trying to find a way to decipher the message contained inside the egg.

He was in the library, reading a book, when Cedric Diggory approached him.

When he saw him, he shut the book with a loud thud, making the boy flinch.

He narrowed his eyes, and looked at him.
Y/N: Yes, Diggory? What do you want?
He asked.

Cedric: It's... A pleasure to see you too, Y/N.
He said sarcastically.

He then sat down.

Cedric: First of all, I wanted to thank you again for your little spoiler about the First Task.
He said.

Y/N: We're both from Hogwarts, it's only natural that I decided to share with you that.
He said.

Cedric nodded.
Cedric: Have you figured out the message in the egg, yet?
He asked.

Y/N: I'm almost done. I know it's mermish, so I'm finding a way to translate it.
He said.

Then he raised a brow.
Y/N: What? Do you need help with it?
He asked.

Cedric blinked a few times.
Cedric: No, it's not that... I'm really impressed, though. You know, you should have been sorted into Ravenclaw. You're really clever for your age.
He said.

Y/N rolled his eyes.
Y/N: You flatter me, Diggory.
He said sarcastically.

Cedric chuckled.
Cedric: I have a tip for you. Why don't you take a bath? Take the egg with you. You can use the prefects' bathroom-
He said, but Y/N cut him off.

Y/N: I don't know if to take this whole situation as a joke or as an insult. I won't use the Prefects' Bathroom, thank you.
He said.

Cedric: Ok... I guess. I wasn't trying to be rude or something.
He said.

Y/N: Yeah, I know. I just want to do things on my own.
He said.

Cedruc: Well, good luck then.
He said, smiling a little, before leaving.

Y/N rolled his eyes, and left the library.

He went back to the Common Room, took his egg, and then headed to the Lake.
He stared at the water.

He then made sure no one was around, and took his clothes off, before taking the egg, and jumping into the lake.

The cold was piercing his skin like tons of knives, but he gritted his teeth, and tried his best to endure it.

He then opened the egg.

This time, instead of that demonic, high-pitched screeching, the egg emitted what looked like a song.

Y/N cosely listened to it.

' Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground.
And while you're searching, ponder this:
An hour long you'll have to look,
To recover what we took.
But past an hour - the prospect' s black.
Too late, it's gone. It won't come back  '

Y/N immediately got out of the lake, as soon as the song ended.

He took his wand out, and quickly dried himself off.

He put his clothes back on, while repeating the Riddle under his breath to memorize it.

He then went back to the Common Room, where Harry, Ron and Hermione were.

Y/N: I did it!
He said excitedly, running towards them.

They gave him a puzzled look.
Ron: You did what exactly?
He asked.

Hermione: Have you finally apologized to Lavender?
She asked hopefully.

Y/N: What? No. I've solved the riddle inside the egg.
He said.

Harry&Hermione: Really?
They both said.

Y/N nodded, and then told them the riddle.
Y/N: There's just one thing...
He said, once he finished.

Hermione: What is it?
She asked.

Y/N: How can I hold my breath for an hour?
He said.

Harry: He's right. We should probably focus on that.
He said.

Hermione: Oh, and you should practice some spells as well. We don't know what they took, but you'll surely have to fight to regain it.
She said.

Y/N: Sounds like a good plan. Let's go to the library, then.
He said, as he, Hermione and Harry rushed outside, heading to the library.

For the following three days, they read through many books, and helped Y/N learn new spells.

The Second Task wasn't that far now, and Y/N was starting to feel a little bit anxious.

Y/N: Do you really think I can do this?
He asked, raising his eyes from the book he was reading.

Harry: Don't worry, Y/N. You'll do great.
He said, smiling.

Hermione: Harry's right. You'll be the best, I'm sure of it.
She said.

It was the day before the Second Task, and they were currently in the library.

Y/N was practicing the Bubble-Head Charm for the third time, when Moody suddenly approached them.

Moody: Potter, Granger, come with me. Professor McGonagall wants to see you both.
He said.

Harry and Hermione looked at Y/N hesitantly.
Y/N: It's ok, go. I'm almost done anyway.
He said, shrugging.

Harry&Hermione: Alright.
They both said, leaving.

However, Y/N hadn't seen them for the rest of the day.

Even Ron didn't know where they were.

Y/N: I really hope they're ok...
968 words.

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