•The Second Task•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
It was finally the day of the Second Task.
Y/N reached everyone else at the Lake.

Again, the whole school was there, and even if he had practiced for the whole night, he was still extremely anxious.

He listened carefully to Crouch's speech, and then waited, staring at the water.

Then, there was a gunshot.
Y/N casted the Bubble-Head Charm, surprising many people, and then, leapt into the water.

The water was just as cold as he remembered, but he kept diving deeper and deeper.

For a few minutes, Fleur was swimming beside him, but at some point, he lost track of her.

Not that he really cared that much.

As he kept swimming, he admired the landscape.

Never, could he have imagined, that something that beautiful could lie under the water, just under their noses.

Even if the water was as cold as ice, everything, under there, gave him a sense of calm and peace.

He quickly shook his head.
Y/N: I can't afford to stay here and admire the landscape. I can't afford to lose, now. Whatever they took... I have to find it.
He thought.

After some more minutes of swimming, he finally reached what looked like an underwater village of some sort, full of creatures that looked like mermaids.

Y/N: Merpeople... They aren't going to attack me, are they?
He thought, entering the village.

The creatures looked at him with curiosity, as he reached the middle of the village.

That's when he froze.

There were 4 people, tied to huge rocks.
They were apparently asleep, or who could have known? Maybe they were already dead.

He immediately recognized two of them, and that made his heart sink: They were Harry and Hermione.

The other two were girls.
One was wearing Ravenclaw robes, and it took Y/N a few seconds to realize who she was.

He remembered Harry mentioning her, but he couldn't quite remember her name.

The other one was a little girl with long, silver-blonde hair that looked a lot like Fleur's.

He grabbed his wand, heading towards Harry.
Y/N: Diffindo!
He said, cutting the rope.

He took a hold of Harry's limp body, as Cedric and Krum arrived, freeing the Ravenclaw girl and Hermione respectively.

However, there was no sign of Fleur.
He let out a heavy sigh.

Y/N: I can't let a little girl drown, now, can I? I'm not a heartless monster.
He thought, as he headed towards the girl.

That's when the Merpeople suddenly stood in front of him, raising their weapons, while showing their yellow teeth.

Merpeople: Only one!
They said, or rather, they growled.

Y/N glared at them.
Y/N: Out of my way!
He shouted, but the creatures didn't seem to care.

Instead, they began getting closer.

The hour was almost completely over, and he couldn't afford to lose, so he pointed his wand at them.

Y/N: I don't really know if it's going to work, but if it doesn't, then I'll cut them down!
He thought.

Y/N: Interitus!
He shouted, as blue flames erupted from the tip of his wand, surprising him, and scaring the creatures, that backed away a little.

Y/N: I see now... The flames' temperature is so high that even water can't put them away... They're water-repellent!
He thought in awe, as he cut down the rope tying the girl, and after grabbing her, he started to head towards the surface as fast as he could.

Y/N: Quick! Quick, or they'll drown!
He kept thinking.

But luck wasn't by his side.

When he was almost nearing the surface, the Charm wore off.

Harry and the girl were getting heavier and heavier.

Y/N: Think, Y/N! What can I do?
He thought, as he was slowly starting to sink again.

In a last attempt, he raised his wand, as water slowly started to get inside his nose.

Y/N: Ascendio!
665 words.

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