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A few days went by.

It was really helpful for Y/N to have Harry and Ron back by his side.

When he was with them, it was as if everything else didn't matter anymore.

That morning, an owl landed in front of Y/N, and dropped a letter on his empty plate.

He grabbed the letter, and gave the owl some scraps of bacon, before opening the it.

It was from Lupin.

' Dear Y/N,
Congratulations! You were outstanding, too bad they didn't let me see you when they took you to the tent. I really wanted to congratulate you in person. But that will be for another time. I've never seen a person generate such an amount of Fire and still have control over it. You never cease to amaze me. The Second Task will be a piece of cake you'll see. I hope your injuries have healed, and I do hope with all my heart that you're doing well. I'll do my best to be at the Second Task. In the meantime, relax a little and enjoy your Christmas holidays, alright? You deserve it. I'm proud of you.
           Remus. '

Y/N stared blankly at the letter, and couldn't help but smile.

What made him really happy was the last sentence.

Y/N: Thanks, Remus.
He thought, carefully putting the letter in his pocket.

Currently, all the Gryffindors were with McGonagall in a empty classroom.

All the desks had been put against a wall, leaving a big empty space in the middle.

Filch was fidgeting with an old gramophone, trying to make it work.

McGonagall: I have something to tell to you all.
She said.

The entire room fell silent.

McGonagall: The Yule Ball is approaching. It is a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament, and an opportunity to befriend our foreign guests.
She said.

Y/N looked at her.
Y/N: I don't like where this is going...
He thought.

McGonagall: Now, the Ball will be open only to Fourth Years and above, although you may also invite younger students, if you please.
She said.

Y/N looked around, noticing both Lavender and Parvati looking at him while giggling.

His face was hardened.
Y/N: There's no way in hell I'll ask one of those two drunk hyenas to come to the ball with me.
He thought.

McGonagall: Dress robes will be worn, and the ball will start at 8 o' clock on Christmas day, finishing at midnight, in the Great Hall.
She said, bringing Y/N back to reality.

McGonagall: The Yule Ball is, of course, a chance for us all to... Er... Let our hair down.
She said, shaking her head disapprovingly.

Y/N: This shit is already embarrassing as hell, there's no need to explain in detail.
He thought.

The thought of him dancing with someone was just revolting.

It made him feel the urge to vomit.

McGonagall: Inside every girl, a secret swan slumbers, ready to burst free-
She said.

Ron: I think something else is about to burst from Eloise Midgen, but I don't really think it's a swan.
He said, making some of the boys laugh.

Y/N ignored him, and kept listening to McGonagall.

McGonagall: Inside every boy, a lordly lion is prepared to prance.
She said.

Her eyes then fell on Ron.

McGonagall: Weasley, come here.
She said.

Ron paled.
Ron: M-Me?
He asked.

McGonagall: Yes, Weasley.
She said.

Ron didn't even move.
That's when both Harry and Y/N pushed him forward.

Ron glared at them, but they smiled smugly at him in response.

Y/N: Let the show begin.
608 words.

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