•Prior Incantatio: The Duel Between Voldemort And Y/N•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
Y/N: Stupefy!
He yelled.

Voldemort deflected the spell without any effort.

Voldemort: Crucio!
He said.

Y/N fell on the ground, screaming in pain.
It was as if his whole body was being pierced by thousands of boiling daggers.

Then, Voldemort lifted his wand, and Y/N's pain faded away.

He was breathing heavily, clutching his chest.

Y/N: Get the fuck up, Y/N. You've got to fight! Fight, or he'll kill you. You can't win, if you refuse to fight. There's no point, right?
He thought.

He looked at Voldemort, a smirk spreading on his face.

Y/N: That's right. It will be easy! I just have to set that snakeface on fire!
He thought.

Y/N stared at Voldemort, as he got up.

Then, a mad smile spread all over his face, as blue particles were spreading all over the area.

Everyone looked at him.

Y/N: You know what? SCREW IT!
He shouted.

Voldemort's triumphant smile slowly faded away.

Voldemort: Wormtail was right... He's the dangerous one.
He thought.

Y/N then waved his wand.
Y/N: Interitus!
He shouted, catching them off guard.

Blue flames erupted from the tip of his wand, engulfing Voldemort, who yelled in pain.

Y/N started laughing like crazy.

After a few seconds, he actually menaged to dissipate the flames.

He was breathing heavily, still trying to recover from the shock of almost burning to death.

Y/N looked at him.
His new body was full of burning marks.

Voldemort: You... You will pay for even daring to do this to me!
He shouted.

Y/N got ready.
Voldemort: Avada Kedavra!
He shouted.

Y/N: Everte Statim!
He shouted at the same time.

The two spells connected, both turning into a golden beam that was now connecting both wands.

Then, a golden forcefield materialized all around them.

The Death Eaters started to panic, trying to help Voldemort.

Voldemort: Don't get near! HE'S MINE!
He shouted.

Suddenly, something popped out of Voldemort's wand.

What looked like Cedric's ghost appeared. It flew right beside Y/N, who looked at him.

Cedric: Y/N... Please, bring my body back to my parents...
He said.

Y/N nodded.

Another ghost appeared, and this time, it was an old man.

The same old man from his nightmare.

Frank: So he really was a wizard... Beat his ass, boy!
He said.

Then, two more ghosts appeared, and landed just beside him.

His heart skipped a beat.
They were his parents' ghosts.

James: We can buy you a few moments, but nothing more, Y/N! Take the Portkey and go!
He said.

Y/N nodded.

Lily: Let go, honey... Let go!
She said.

Y/N suddenly moved his wand upwards, destroying the beam.

The golden forcefield broke apart, and the ghosts attacked Voldemort, as Y/N rushed towards Cedric's body.

Y/N: Accio Cup!
He said, as the Cup flew in his hands, teleporting him back.
494 words.

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