•Dark Times•

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That day, Dumbledore held a speech about Voldemort's return, but Y/N knew everyone didn't believe them.

Ron: Y/N, you need to cheer up a little. You've been gloomy for a while now, and it's really odd to see you like this.
He said, after they got into the Common Room.

Hermione and Harry glared daggers at him.

Hermione: How can you be so stupid?!
She said, scolding him.

Y/N: Guys, please, cut it out.
He said.

They all looked at him.
Y/N: I still can't believe I called him a shithead.
He muttered darkly.

Hermione blinked a few times.
Hermione: You... Were worried about that?
She asked.

Y/N shook his head.

Y/N: No, actually... I'm more concerned by the fact that I, uhm... Kinda set that snake bitch on fire.
He said, as Harry and Ron laughed.

Hermione: You'll never change.
She said, chuckling.

Hermione: Why don't we go to Hagrid? He's been worried sick.
She said.

They went to Hagrid's hut without delay.

After chatting a little, and reassuring him that Y/N wasn't injured, he got up, and walked towards the window.

Hagrid: Dark times await us. And it'll be even worse than before...
He said.

He then smiled at Y/N.
Hagrid: Anyway... Congratulations for winning Y/N! I knew yeh could do it!
He said.

Y/N: Nah, I knew it from the beginning.
He said sarcastically, as Hermione smacked his head, making the others laugh.

Later that day, they were all outside, waving goodbye to the students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

Ron even menaged to get Krum's autograph.

They watched them leave, until they weren't visible anymore.

Hermione put a arm around the twins' shoulders.

Hermione: Things are going to change, aren't they?
She said, as they all looked at the sky.

Ron sighed.
Ron: I suppose so.
He said.

Harry&Y/N: Agreed.
They both said.

Things would never be the same anymore.

Well, not now that the most dangerous Dark Wizard of the Century ahd been brought back to life.
347 words.

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