•Voices Through The Night•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
Harry: It's huge!
He said in awe.

Mr Weasley smiled at them.
Mr Weasley: I know, right? You can leave your things over there.
He said, pointing to the beds.

Y/N looked around. It was as if he had just got inside an apartment.

Y/N smiled, and Harry did the same.
Harry&Y/N: I love magic.
They both said, before chuckling.

Y/N took away his bag, and then, sat in a corner, together with Harry.

He looked at him, raising a brow.

Harry: You're more irritated than usual today.
He stated.

Y/N looked at him.
Y/N: Actually... I really wanted to talk with you about something. But I don't want Ron or Hermione to know. It'll just get them worried for nothing.
He said hesitantly.

Harry looked at him, worriedly.
Harry: What's happened?
He asked.

Y/N told him everything about his nightmare.

Y/N: And that's everything I can remember. In the end, they want to kill me first, because they think I'm the true menace, and then they want to kill you.
He said.

Harry nodded.
Harry: Have you told Lupin?
He asked.

Y/N shook his head.
Harry: Really, Y/N, you should tell him at least. He cares for you as much as I do, if not even more. I can let you borrow Edwig, if you want. And I think I'll write Sirius too.
He said.

Y/N sighed.
Y/N: It's nothing to worry about, Harry, really. It's just a dream after all. Write Sirius, if you want. I won't tell nothing to Lupin for now. And in case I decide to tell him, I'll borrow an owl when we get back to Hogwarts.
He said.

Harry sighed and nodded.
Harry: Alright.
He muttered.

When night fell, it was finally time.

They all headed to the Stadium.
According to Ron, it was even bigger than Hogwarts.

They walked in, and then made their way to their seats.

That's when they saw Malfoy and his family talking with Fudge.

Y/N gave Malfoy a death stare, before focusing on the pitch.

Some time later, Fudge spoke, and then the match began.

Y/N kept his eyes fixed on the players, unable to look away.

He had enjoyed every single minute of the match, that had reached its peak when Viktor Krum had performed a feint.

When the match ended, however, Y/N was quite perplexed.

Ireland had won, but Krum had caught the Snitch.

They all went back to the tent, as Ron and Fred and George cheered, making everyone laugh.

Then, they heard lots of screams outside. They got out, and paled.

There was a group of hooded people advancing, and setting the tents on fire.

Mr Weasley looked at them.

Mr Weasley: Run away! It's not safe here!
He said.

They all ran away, together with the crowd.
But they all got separated.

Harry: Y/N!
He yelled, trying to grab his hand, but failing, as the crowd pushed him away.

Y/N tried to walk back to Harry, but then, someone knocked him on the ground, and lots of people walked on him while trying to escape, knocking him unconscious.

When he regained his senses, everything around him had been turned to a mess.

All the tents were now just a pile of burned fabric, and no one was around anymore.

Or so Y/N thought.

Just when he had got up, he heard some footsteps, heading in his direction.

He started to panic, and tried to hide.

And then, everything went silent again.
Y/N held his breath in fear.

But just when he had thought that whoever had produced the footsteps was gone, a deep voice, the voice of a man, echoed through the night, interrupting that silence full of tension.

643 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗼𝗯𝗹𝗲𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗙𝗶𝗿𝗲 | Harry Potter x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now