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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
That evening, Y/N didn't go to eat.
Actually, he hadn't left the Common Room at all, mainly because he didn't want to deal with everyone's insults.

At some point, he decided he had enough of waiting, and finally headed to Hagrid's Hut.

He used his mother's bracelet to vanish, and once he reached his destination, he knocked on the door three times.

After a few seconds, the door slowly opened, and Hagrid peeked outside.

Hagrid: Y/N? Are you here?
He asked slowly.

Y/N touched the gemstone on the bracelet, materializing in front of him, startling him a little.

Y/N: Are you ok?
He asked.

Hagrid: Caught me by surprise, that's all.
He said, chuckling.

Then, they started walking.
Y/N: So? Where are we going?
He asked, as Hagrid led him towards the forest.

Hagrid: I wanna show yeh somethin'.
He said.

Y/N looked at him.
Y/N: Please, tell me it isn't another beast or-
He was about to say, but then he stopped.

His eyes widened in shock, and his jaw dropped.

Y/N: You... COMBED YOUR HAIR?! Wait, you're not dressed as usual! And you... Smell good? What's going on? Is it the end of times already?
He asked in shock.

Hagrid chuckled a little.
Hagrid: Thought I needed a change, y'know...
He said, as they reached a clearing.

Before Y/N could say anything, Hagrid stopped him.

Hagrid: Turn invisible. Quick!
He said.

Y/N vanished just in time.
Madame Maxime approached them.
She followed them, and Y/N had to try his best not to vomit as Hagrid tried to flirt with her.

Y/N: Oh, my... What have I gotten into? Why did I even came here? This is just... Ew.
Y/N thought.

Then, after walking for what looked like an eternity, Hagrid finally stopped, and so did Madame Maxime.

They had stopped in front of a wooden fence.

There was a bright orange light illuminating the surroundings, and Y/N could hear lots of people shouting, and something roar loudly.

To his surprise, a lot of Fire was shot up in the air, setting some trees on fire.

Madame Maxime: Wat ìz thiz, Ágrid?
She asked, leaning on the fence.

Hagrid: The first trial!
He said.

Y/N's eyes widened.
He gulped, and then leaned forward to see what it was.

But he soon regretted it.
He felt like passing out.

4 huge Dragons, way bigger than Norbert.
Y/N shook his head.

Y/N: No.
He said, as Madame Maxime leaned forward even more.

Y/N: I can't do this.
He said, staring at the Dragons.

Y/N: How the hell am I supposed to fight a goddamn dragon? Do they think I'm made of steel?
He muttered, backing off.

And then, without delay, he ran away, heading back to the castle.

He went back to the Common Room, materializing only once he heard the portrait close.

Y/N: That's it. I finally know what I'm up against. I should write Remus.
He thought, as he went to the dorm, opened his trunk, grabbed some parchment, a quill and an ink bottle.

He then headed back down, and sat at one of the tables.

'Dear Remus,
How are you? I hope you're okay. I'm aware of the fact that you may be busy, right now, but I beg of you. Answer me. I really need your advice, right now. Thanks to Hagrid, I've witnessed what the First Trial will be. Dragons, Remus. 4 goddamn Dragons. I've fought a Basilisk before, but it's not the same as fighting a dragon. They're different creatures, and I don't really know how to defeat a dragon. Please, reply to this lettere as soon as you can.
Love you,
                   Y/N '

He stopped, and looked at the letter.
It was short, but he actually liked it.

Ignoring the fact that it was almost past midnight, he rushed to the owlery.

Hedwig stared at him with disdain, as he took one of the School's owls.

Y/N: Sorry.
He muttered, but to no avail, as she went back to sleep, ignoring him.

He sighed.
Y/N: You're just like your owner.
He muttered, before heading back to the Common Room.

But it was on the way back that he realized that Cedric didn't know anything.

Madame Maxime would've told Fleur already. As for Karkaroff, Y/N knew it wouldn't have been long till he found out.

He let out a groan.

He despised Cedric, but he didn't hate him to the point of wanting him dead.
He was still from Hogwarts, after all.

He went to bed, trying his best to ignore Ron's loud snoring.

Y/N: That's it. I'll tell him tomorrow.
He said to himself, as he slowly drifted to sleep.
806 words.

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