•The Unforgivable Curses•

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Moody: Let's get a move on. Let's see... WEASLEY!
He shouted, making Ron jump.

Ron: Y-Yes?
He asked, as Moody walked towards him.

Moody: Tell me the name of an Unforgivable Curse.
He said.

Ron: Oh, uhm... My dad told me about one, once... The Imperius Curse... I think?
He said uncertainly.

Moody: Yes, your father would know about that. Gave the ministry quite some trouble, a few years ago.
He said.

Everyone looked at him.
Moody: Perhaps, I will show you why.
He added.

He walked towards his desk, and grabbed a glass jar with three spiders inside, and then took one of them out.

Ron made a funny noise upon seeing the spider. Moody held the spider in his palm, so that everyone could see it clearly.

He then took out his wand, and pointed it to the animal.

Moody: Imperio!
He said.

The spider leapt from his hand, and started doing stupid things, making everyone except Ron, Y/N and Hermione laugh.

Moody: Think it's funny, do you?
He said, as everyone stopped laughing.

Moody: Would you like it if I did it to you?
He said.

Everyone looked at him.

Moody: Total control.
He muttered, as the spider started rolling on the desk.

Moody: I could make it jump out of the window, drown itself, throw itself in one of your throats...
He said (again, Ron made a funny noise).

Moody: Years ago, there were lots of witches and wizards being controlled by the Imperius Curse. Quite the job for the Ministry, trying to sort out who was really being forced to act, and who was acting of their own free will.
He said.

They all looked at each other, and then back at him.

Moody: The Imperius Curse can be fought, and I'll teach you how, but it takes real strength of character, and I can assure that not everyone has it. Better avoid getting hit by it if you can. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!
He shouted, making them all flinch.

Y/N: Knock it off, for fuck's sake!
He thought.

Moody threw the spider back in the jar, before looking at them.

Moody: Anyone knows another one?
He asked.

Many hands rose in the air.
Y/N was surprised that even Neville had raised his hand up, and he looked surprised too.

Moody's eyes fell on Neville, the magic one rolling a few times, before fixing on the boy too.

Moody: Yes?
He said.

Neville gulped.
Neville: T-There's one. The Cruciatus Curse.
422 words.

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