•Ron's Embarassment•

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Ron glared at the twins, who grinned at him. Filch finally menaged to make the Gramophone work, and turned it on.

Ron looked at McGonagall, his ears all red because of his embarrassment.

McGonagall: Put your right hand on my waist.
She instructed him.

If possible, Ron paled even more.

Ron: Where?
He asked in disbelief.

McGonagall: My waist.
She said.

Ron put his hand on her waist, as someone whistled, and it didn't really help.

It was as if his ears had turned into tomatoes.

Y/N turned around, seeing Fred and George pretending to dance, while grinning at each other.

Y/N: You won't let him forget it, will you?
He asked.

Fred&George: Never.
They said, smiling widely.

Then, McGonagall called the others, but no one really wanted to get up.

The only one who actually did was Neville.

When the lesson was over, McGonagall stopped Y/N, who was trying to leave as fast as he could.

McGonagall: Potter, a word, if you please.
She said.

Y/N: Damn it. I wasn't fast enough.
He thought.

She waited for everyone to leave the room, and then looked at him.

McGonagall: The Champions and their Partners-
She was about to say, but he interrupted her.

Y/N: Partners? What partners?
He asked in an agitated tone.

McGonagall looked sternly at him.
McGonagall: Don't interrupt me, Potter. There's no need to be agitated.
She said.

Y/N: Sorry.
He muttered.

McGonagall : Your partner for the ball, of course. As I was saying, it's tradition for the Champions and their Partners to open the ball.
She said.

Y/N slowly shook his head.
Y/N: No, sorry. I don't dance.
He said.

McGonagall: Oh yes, you do.
She said.

Y/N shook his head again.
Y/N: I'm sorry, but I won't. My reputation isn't one of the best already, and people won't miss the chance to make fun of me. Also, I don't wish to ruin my Christmas by having a Magical Outburst.
He said.

McGonagall glared at him.
McGonagall: I don't think you understand your position, Potter. You are a Champion, and you will act as one. You will dance, even if your legs are broken, or I'll give you two months of detention. Did I make myself clear?
She said, with a hint of rage in her tone.

Y/N: That's not fair!
He protested.

She sighed.
McGonagall: Look, Potter, I know it might be embarrassing for you, but rules are rules, and you have to respect them.
She said.

Y/N sighed in defeat.
Y/N: Alright. But I'll do it just because I don't want detention.
He muttered darkly.

She smiled, and patted his shoulder.
McGonagall: Good Boy.
She said.

Y/N: When all this ends, can I have the permission to kill the one who put my name in the Goblet? I'll be sure to give them a long and painful death.
He said innocently.

She sighed.
McGonagall: I'll pretend I haven't heard that.
505 words.

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