•Searching A Partner•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
Days went by, since Y/N's chat with McGonagall.

The whole Yule Ball situation was starting to become unbearable, at least for Y/N.

Whenever he got in a room, he could see people busy to find a partner everywhere, and that was really frustrating, since he still hadn't found one.

The clock was ticking, and if he didn't find a partner in time, he would've had to face a two months long detention.

And he didn't really wanted to.

He was currently in the library, trying to find a way to decipher the message contained in the egg.

That's when Hermione sat beside him, smiling widely.

She was really happy about something, apparently.

Y/N looked at her, raising a brow.

Y/N: Did she hit her head or something? Why is she smiling like that?
He thought.

And then, it hit him.
He mentally facepalmed for not thinking about it sooner.

Y/N: Hermione?
He asked.

Hermione: Hm?
She muttered, looking at him.

Y/N: Ehm... Would you like to come to the Ball with me?
He asked, mentally screaming.

Y/N: What the hell did I just say? I could never imagine such horrid words could leave my mouth!
He thought.

Her smile suddenly dropped.
Hermione: Y/N, I'm really sorry... Actually, I already have a partner.
She said in an apologetic tone.

Y/N: Oh, ok. Guess I'll have to ask someone else.
He said, shrugging, as he focused on his book again.

Hermione: Have you already asked someone else?
She asked.

Y/N looked at her, deep in thought.
Y/N: Let's see... I tried at least 5 girls from Ravenclaw, and another 3 from Hufflepuff, but they all avoide me as if I am the Grim Reaper or something. Then I tried asking to 4 Gryffindor girls, including Ginny, but they too were already taken. So yes, that makes 12 girls. Well, 13, adding you.
He said.

Her jaw dropped.
He then shrugged.

Y/N: It's not a big deal. I'm used to rejection. I'm being forced to do this.
He said, muttering the last part.

Hermione: They all refused?!
She asked.

Y/N nodded.
Y/N: Yep. That's what I said.
He said.

She looked at him.
He then closed the book shut, making her jump in surprise.

He was grinning.

Y/N: I knew it!
He said triumphantly.

She gave him a puzzled look.
Hermione: You knew what, exactly?
She asked.

Y/N: I've just found a way to decipher that message.
He said.

Hermione: So that's what you've been doing! Wait... You've found out already?! Just how many time have you spent here?
She asked.

Y/N: 3 days and nights without stopping even once. At some point I started thinking I had forgotten how to breathe, but it's fine.
He said, grinning proudly.

She facepalmed.
Hermione: You're truly an idiot. How can you be sure, anyway?
She said.

Y/N: It's Mermish, the language spoken by Merpeople.
He said.

Hermione: Mermish? Does a language like that even exist?
She asked.

Y/N: Oh, you bet it does. The point is... If spoken out of the water, Mermish will sound just like a very high-pitched screeching sound, similar to the poor souls trying to break free from hell. However, if spoken underwater, it can be understood easily.
He explained, smiling.

Hermione: No way... How did you figure that out so quickly?
She asked.

Y/N: It sounded familiar, somehow. I was sure I had read about it somewhere.
He muttered.

She looked at him, sweatdropping.
Hermione: Just what kind of books do you read?
She asked, raising a brow.

Y/N: Everything that has enough words to create a few sentences, I think.

He muttered, deep in thought.
Hermione: Moving on... Now that you know how to decipher the message, you should focus on finding a partner.
She said.

Y/N sighed.
Y/N: I'm not suited for this kind of things. Whenever I find myself in a situation like this I don't really know what to do or how to act. Can you help me out?
He asked.

She smiled widely.
Hermione: Of course.
699 words.

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