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Weeks went by, since that evening, and people kept putting their names into the goblet.

Even Fred and George tried, but their plan didn't actually work.

They had in fact tried to use an Aging Potion, but in the exact moment they stepped into the Age Line, they were thrown out, and they ended up getting two long beards.

And so, before anyone could imagine it, Halloween had finally arrived.

It was in fact the 31st October, and Y/N was wandering trough the corridors.

He really liked Halloween.
He still remembered his first Halloween at Hogwarts pretty well.

He still remembered quite well the first time a bat flew in front of him, making him almost pass out because of the shock.

Harry still made fun of him, even if had happened three years before, though.

That evening, they were all gathered in the Great Hall.

Dumbledore then got up, smiling at them all.

Dumbledore: Good evening, Ladies, Gentlemen, Ghosts and more importantly, Guests.
He said.

Y/N glanced at the teachers' table, and his eyes met Crouch's.

Y/N: What's that guy doing here?
He said grumpily.

Harry: Who?
He asked.

Y/N: Mr Crouch.
He hissed.
Harry just shrugged.

Dumbledore: The Triwizard Tournament will be officially opened at the end of the feast. I now invite you all to eat, drink and make yourselves at home.
He said, smiling, as everyone clapped their hands.

He then sat down, and started chatting with Madame Maxime, as the golden plates immediately filled up with food.

Y/N finally looked away from Crouch, and instead, he decided to focus on his plate.

He helped himself with some food, and started eating in silence, as everyone around him was excitedly talking about the tournament.

Y/N: I can't really explain why... I have a really bad feeling about all this...
He thought.

Once every last piece of food vanished, Dumbledore got up again.

Crouch followed his example, and then proceeded to give a very boring speech to which Y/N didn't really pay attention.

Dumbledore: Mr crouch, here, will join me, Madame Maxime and Professor Karkaroff in judging the Champions' efforts.
He said.

Y/N gritted his teeth.

Dumbledore: There will be three tasks spaced throughout the year, and they will test the Champions in many different aspects. As you all know, three Champions will compete in the tournament. Once a Champion has been selected, he or she, is obliged to see the tournament till the end. There will be no change of heart, so I wish the best of luck to whichever of you will be selected.
He said.

They all looked at the Goblet of Fire.

Dumbledore: The Goblet is almost ready. When a Champion is called, I ask them to walk along the staff table, and go through the door off to the side, where they will then receive further instructions.
He said.

He then took out his wand, and waved it.
Every candle that floated in the Hall immediately went off.

The only source of light was now coming from the Goblet.

Then, suddenly, the blue flames turned of a bright red color, and a piece of fuming parchment was shot up in the air, where Dumbledore immediately caught it.

It had finally begun.
551 words.

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