•A Walk With Hermione•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
Y/N and Hermione were walking outside.
It was a rather sunny day, despite being November already.

Y/N was eating a toast that Hermione had given him before heading out.

Hermione: So? Do you mind telling me what happened?
She asked.

Y/N sighed.
Y/N: There's not much to say, to be honest. After my name popped out of that damn Goblet, I went to the other room, where I tried to convince Crouch to let me retire, but he said I couldn't, because the "Contract is Binding", or something like that.

After they explained us a little more about the first task, I left and went to the Common Room, where people kept pestering me with questions and other stupid things.

After I somehow menaged to escape, I went to the dorms, where I had a harsh discussion with both Harry and Ron. And you know what happened next.
He said.

She nodded.
Hermione: I met them this morning.
She suddenly said.

Y/N looked at her, his expressionless face didn't even falter.

Y/N: And?
He asked.

Hermione: They were talking about you. Ron is extremely jealous.
She said slowly.

Y/N chuckled bitterly.
Y/N: Jealous, huh? Well, that's a great way to deal with problems.
He said sarcastically.

Hermione: Well, you know... He already has many brothers to compete with at home... And now you too... And you're famous...
She said, trying not to sound rude.

Y/N: I've never asked for any of this bullshit, Hermione! He's jealous? Oh, please! I want to see how he would deal with this shit! I would like to see how he would act knowing that someone out there wants to kill him! I don't even know why you keep trying to search a way to justify him!
He said angrily.

But then he bit his lip, as realized what he said. It was too late at that point.

Hermione looked at him.
Hermione: What? Who's planning to kill you?
She asked.

Y/N: Forget about it, ok? And Harry? What about him?
He asked.

Hermione: He was disappointed. I've never seen him like that, to be honest. And you know how he is. He follows Ron. He too believes you're lying.
She said.

Y/N looked away.

Y/N: That's it. Someone put my name in the Goblet. I'm not insane. I know it must be someone's doing, but I won't stay here and rot in sorrow just because they don't want to talk me. They want me to die? I won't go down that easily. Like hell I'd do that.
He said fiercely, running back to the castle, directed to the Library.

Hermione followed him, sighing.
Hermione: Boys. The day I'll understand how their brain works will definitely be the best day of my life.
She thought.

Once they arrived, he took some books, a Latin dictionary, and then, he used his wand to conjure some parchment.

He then sat down at a table, and Hermione sat beside him.

Hermione: What are you going to do?
She asked.

Y/N smirked.
Y/N: The tasks are going to be NEWT level at least. Remember when I told you about that new spell on the train? I think it's finally time to start working on it.
He said, as he opened an old book about medical spells.

Hermione looked at him as if he had just gone insane.

Hermione: But you won't be able to have it done in just a few days! It took you three months to create a spell, have you already forgotten?
She whisper shouted.

Y/N smiled.
Y/N: Well, I have to begin to work on something, don't I?
He said.

Hermione: Well, you're not totally wrong...
She said.

Y/N: In the meantime, can you search for books on NEWT level Spells?
He asked.

She smiled brightly at him.
Hermione: Just give me a minute.
660 words.

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